Category Archives: Uncategorized

Little Feet… Big Footprints

Dear Reader: I remember when I was going through mother’s desk drawers after she passed I came across this school project that David and his classmates had made for Mother’s Day one year. It was now tattered and faded-but it … Continue reading

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The Weary World Rejoices

Dear Reader: I promise I am not going back on my pledge to start celebrating Christmas before Halloween… the title is just a case of some hidden cerebral neuron lighting up and making a connection. From what you ask? This … Continue reading

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God’s Gift Wrappings Around Us

Dear Reader: I am working on getting the grandchildren’s Halloween paraphernalia wrapped and ready to give them this weekend and wouldn’t you know it? I went to CVS, Walgreens, and two different dollar stores to get orange/ black wrapping paper … Continue reading

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When We Open a Window into the World… a Part of Us Comes Alive

Dear Reader: Late yesterday afternoon when I got home from taking Ben to his new orthopedic surgeon appointment, I found myself throwing open the windows and letting fall tumble in with beautiful leaves, cool breezes, and a sense of spiritual … Continue reading

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… “The Whole World is a Garden”

Dear Reader: I am always so delighted when I find a book I have tucked away for a rainy day read… and then re-discover it …on a rainy day! Actually yesterday didn’t turn out as rainy as forecasters predicted-much to … Continue reading

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Always Take Time to Feel and Share a Moment of Joy

Dear Reader: Have you ever witnessed a child playing …giving into the sheer joy of a moment-they kicked a goal, caught a ball for the first time or heard the ice cream truck? It is one of the most beautiful … Continue reading

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What We Carry Defines Us

Dear Reader: When I think back on my childhood. with so many early tragedies… I have to stop and remember that, in spite of the losses, God provided adult family and extended family members as strong examples of mentors who … Continue reading

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The Sunsets in Our Lives

Dear Reader: After the amazing Fall Harvest full moon Wednesday came the most beautiful sunset Thursday evening! It truly left me breathless-the oranges and yellows were almost blindly bewitching! Sunsets bring back long-lost memories like a sunset I remember after … Continue reading

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Fabulous Fall

Dear Reader: All the grandchildren’s Japanese Maples are turning beautifully this year-Jake’s is just a little farther along. In the Fall edition of Azalea Magazine, Summerville’s wonderful read … thanks to Will Rizzo-Editor-in-Chief, he included a field guide with interesting … Continue reading

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Who’s Knocking on Your Door?

Dear Reader: This recent church message touched many congregational members… including my good friend, Dee Lesko. Haven’t we, as followers of God, been ” guilty of not hearing God’s knock on the door to our hearts?” Haven’t we become too … Continue reading

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