Dear Reader:
This recent church message touched many congregational members… including my good friend, Dee Lesko. Haven’t we, as followers of God, been ” guilty of not hearing God’s knock on the door to our hearts?”
Haven’t we become too preoccupied with our own dreams, ambitions, opportunities and personal agendas… to such an extent that our ears are closed to the sound of God’s voice through his knock!
These thoughts immediately made me think of the old African-American spiritual “Somebody’s Knocking at Your Door.” I remembering loving singing all the different verses-Can’t you hear him? Answer Jesus. Jesus calls you. Can’t you trust him? O sinner, why don’t you answer? Somebody’s Knocking at Your Door.

I remember in an old romantic comedy called New in Town starring Rene Zellwegger and Harry McConnick, Jr-there was a funny one-liner in the movie when the rural farm scrapbooking women asked the sophisticated Rene character if she had found Jesus? Rene promptly reponds ” I didn’t know he was lost.”

A funny one- liner but more serious when we realize that God is never lost-He knows where we are too, at any given moment-but we have to let him in to find ourselves.
So until tomorrow Matthew: 7 -” Ask and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find; Knock and the door will be opened.”
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
I lucked up and found all three stages of the Confederate Rose today-first the pure white bloom, then the pale pink and then the last rose/ red depicting the last withered drops of blood from the soldier

Happy children-birthday mommy is home!

Sorry I have gotten behind on correspondence…take five days off and all one/s responsibilities mount up – such is life!!