Category Archives: Uncategorized

Getting Rid of the Weight of Our Own Making

Dear Reader: Don’t we love to hold on to sentimental things? In many cases for too long. For years I have begged my adult ” children” to come get anything they want to keep but basically they seem content for … Continue reading

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Live Life Fully… This IS our Gift to the Universe

Dear Reader: We are a goal-driven society. By an early age we have been immersed in the societal programmed ideology that there are certain paths in life that we should follow. It all begins with the word ” resume.” We … Continue reading

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Musings of an Egg on a Cold Rainy Day.

Dear Reader: I have come to recognize that my eating habits have a craving tendency to appear in intervals and then disappear quite suddenly. ( I simply then move on to another craving. ) In the past few weeks… my … Continue reading

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Finding Joy and Courage in Imagination

Dear Reader: When life goes askew and we feel like the world is turning upside down, we have a tendency to crawl back in our ” caves” and strive to return to a more predictable life. We should know by … Continue reading

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” Charm Strings” Heart and Heat

Dear Reader: In Karen White’s last novel in the Charleston ghost “Tradd Street” series-the author once again shares an historical tidbit that lured me right in. The history behind the ” charm strings.” Before Tik-Tok and Instagram, Civil War period … Continue reading

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Try Again

Dear Reader: We all know that life counterbalances between contentment, peace, serenity… and adversity …appearing, unexpectedly in a diversity of unsettling forms. When I woke up Tuesday morning and walked out to my garden I was met with this scene! … Continue reading

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Finding the Courage Within

Dear Reader: I have discovered something about myself since starting this blog post eleven years ago. When I let myself be vulnerable and open to surprises I am never disappointed. Yesterday I sat down before the computer and just let … Continue reading

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The Special Beauty of Autumnal Sunsets

Dear Reader: Archibald Rutledge, once owner of Hampton Plantation, admitted that sunsets along the marsh of his beloved home were most beautiful in October and November. Sunrises couldn’t compete during this season-Autumnal sunsets were breathtaking! The beauty of these sunsets … Continue reading

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Reflecting on Diversified October

Dear Reader: The world loves the eighth month of October… with scenes and scents of Harvest moons, haystacks, pumpkins, cool weather, Halloween and a happy bid farewell to summer in the south. Have you ever considered the connection, however, of … Continue reading

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A Hallowed Eve to One and All

Dear Reader: Let the fun begin! I love Halloween for all its creativity! And one family member really pulled off a great “act” Friday! But first… another look behind the history of this holiday. The term ” Halloween ” combines … Continue reading

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