Dear Reader:
Have you ever witnessed a child playing …giving into the sheer joy of a moment-they kicked a goal, caught a ball for the first time or heard the ice cream truck? It is one of the most beautiful events to witness… no holding back-just squeals of delight and wonder!
Why do we adults feel like we have to contain our moments of joy to perhaps a ” more appropriate time” or place? Why not live that very moment at the very time it occurs?
Two memories popped up when I witnessed and then later participated in such moments of joy.
The first memory took place in my third grade class. Mrs. Johnson was my third grade teacher and was one of the sweetest teachers I had-she was rather timid but so kind.
One day this man came to the door and spoke to Mrs Johnson out in the hall-we heard a shriek and then she came back in holding a handkerchief with trembling fingers. The man returned too… holding her hands tightly while he reassured our startled faces that everything was okay-in fact better than okay! Our teacher was going to have a baby.
The husband asked us to help them out with possible boy/girl names-it would be a big help! We spent the rest of the afternoon writing names on the board.
Not only had the joy been told-in that joyous moment but more importantly shared! We were all made to feel special and joyous -a part of another’s joy!
The next joyous moment came years later in college when I was dating an upperclassman and going to some event when suddenly my date slammed on the brakes and yelled-” Get out! Circle the car! It just turned 100,000 miles! “
I was startled …but within seconds all the occupants in the car were dancing around the stopped car to the radio music blaring from within -instead of being irritated the cars behind us started beeping and laughing too! A joyous moment of youth, abandoned freedom. and sheer delight!
So until tomorrow if you are lucky enough to feel joyful-don’t hesitate! Give in and share the moment with others! Joy begets joy!
Today is my favorite day! Winnie the Pooh

Love joyful moments…make the world go around…
Me too and I love seeing someone in public expressing this joy…makes everyone around feel happier and more alive!!!!