Dear Reader:
Late yesterday afternoon when I got home from taking Ben to his new orthopedic surgeon appointment, I found myself throwing open the windows and letting fall tumble in with beautiful leaves, cool breezes, and a sense of spiritual serenity that separates itself from our troubled home here on earth.

Many of you might keep up with the latest emojis but I stay faithful to three main ones-thumb up, smile, and heart. They are my traditional emoji ” trinity” ( thumbs up) -everything will be okay; a 😊- nothing turns a day around faster than a simple smile and the world’s number one emoji-heart-love conquers all!

I am learning every day that the more we share a bit of ourselves to others the fuller our own hearts become. For example a mystery was solved yesterday.
When Doodle and Lassie came by Monday bringing a large portion of mother’s vanilla wafer cake-they noticed, as they started to leave that I had a smiley stickie on my collar and asked me who gave it to me… I had no clue?
I had been to see my oncologist Monday and Dr. Jeter was smiling-good office visit but no smiley sticker. I left and went to a recommended orthopedic surgeon nearby-filled out some endless information forms and took another set home to complete before I took Ben back yesterday to his referral first office visit.
The same pretty, sweet girl was checking for masks and temperatures as I re-entered with Ben this time-soon after we sat down I noticed something on Ben’s Purple Heart Vietnam cap and asked if he had added something-it was a smiley face sticker-then Ben laughed and pulled another sticker off the back of my collar.
The pretty young greeter smiled and then giggled-I walked over and asked if she had ” snuck ” one on the back of my collar the day before and she nodded and winked. Mystery solved! Once again a simple smile won the day!

So until tomorrow… We must remember… we are meant to be here in this exact moment-writer and reader! 😊
Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh
