Dear Reader:
I am working on getting the grandchildren’s Halloween paraphernalia wrapped and ready to give them this weekend and wouldn’t you know it? I went to CVS, Walgreens, and two different dollar stores to get orange/ black wrapping paper and all were sold out.
I ended up looking for wrapping paper on Amazon-one roll that could arrive in one day and still ended up having to get different colors that included black and orange -a new world where holidays all run together.

I would much more prefer a ” wrapped” hug from God… and Tuesday I got it! Whoever says God doesn’t have a sense of humor hasn’t met my God!
After picking Ben up Tuesday I kept hearing a noise in the car and kept wondering where it was coming from? I discovered Ben. He was nervous about the doctor visit and was nervously tapping his foot on the floorboard.
I tried to make light of it and told him he must like the song playing on the radio-tapping in tune to the music-he went along with the ruse and I started tapping the steering wheel.
Just then a truck pulled in front of me as I got on interstate I-26. On the back of his cargo section, in big letters , was written…
I started laughing and pointed it out to Ben who started laughing too. Suddenly every vehicle that passed the truck started beeping snd yelling out the windows with thumbs up and calls like ” You got that right man” or” ” No KIDDING …kids ARE scary these days!”
I stayed right behind the truck until my exit off I-26- it was then I noticed Ben’s foot wasn’t tapping anymore. That truck made our day and relieved the stress. A God Wink- ” Yes Virginia God Does Have a Sense of Humor! “
So until tomorrow…H. O. P. E. -Hold on, pain ends.
Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh
We are in for a series of cool fall days-time for the pansy baskets!

Amen …Amen to all…