Dear Reader:
I promise I am not going back on my pledge to start celebrating Christmas before Halloween… the title is just a case of some hidden cerebral neuron lighting up and making a connection.
From what you ask? This quote from Hoda Kotb’s book This Just Speaks To Me. Apparently Hoda and I share a passion for quotes , lines of prose, and thoughts on inner clarity.
Sleep doesn’t help if it’s your soul that’s tired.
Hoda chose this quote to be in her book and made an interesting observation after reading it. ” I think that’s the difference between sleep and soul are the same as tired and weary. ”
Are we physically tired or just world weary of constant depressing news?
Now where had I heard the phrase ” world weary ” before? Got it! O Holy Night. ” The thrill of Hope, the weary world rejoices, For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn!
Now imagine this…. one glorious morning we wake up to news filled with joy! Covid is over! Jobs are filled! Tankers and truckers are ahead of their arrival time schedules, food prices are dropping and there are more than enough toys for all girls and boys! So fall on your knees and thank God for prayers fulfilled and angels voices!
Don’t you imagine we would all feel the weight of the world lifted off our shoulders! What a Christmas gift that would be!
But first Boo is getting ready for Boo Day-Halloween! All the grandchildren’s Boo Crew bags are packed and ready for delivery Saturday!

Anne sent the cutest BOO card that arrived yesterday-for my ” Boo” collection! Thank you so much! Too cute!

Cotillion Night ended with a five course meal so the students could practice their table manners! ( I think Eva Cate has shot up six inches this past summer) she used to be the shortest in her class and now she is one of the tallest! Will soon be leaving me behind!

So until tomorrow… To You from Boo… with love!
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Such a uplifting blog today…loved your Boo Bags. Eva Cate is growing up too fast. Sweet and pretty young lady.