Boo with her most favorite grandchild, Pip.
For those who would like to attend, however, can’t make it in in person, please see information for streaming the service.
Jeff Kackley is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Becky’s Funeral
Time: Apr 20, 2024 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 817 3176 5182
Passcode: 139986
If anyone would like to make any donations in honor Mom, please see below:
You can make checks out to Dabo’s All In Team Foundation and in the “memo” line, write “breast cancer” and/or “Becky Dingle”.
DABO’S ALL IN TEAM® Foundation
P.O. 1585
Clemson, S.C. 29633
Attn: PJ Tessman
Donations can also be made through Dabo’s All In Team Foundation’s website and type in “for breast cancer” and/or “Becky Dingle” in the comments section.
Dorchester Presbyterian Church

Online Donations: https://onrealm.org/DorchesterPres/-/form/give/now
Finally, a big thank you to Clemson President Clements for this letter that I received. I have no clue how it came to be so also a thank you to whomever set this up.

Boo is going to be very upset that I published this blog immediately rather than schedule it to post at 6am tomorrow. Tommy.
Dear Becky,
Greetings to you from your friend in British Columbia, Canada. Yes, we live way out here in the Pacific NW just about 15 min. from the US border. We love travelling down south to explore Lynden and Bellingham and Fairhaven, Washington. These are all pretty places.
But I’m rambling and believing you are watching as I type and reading each word. You are a woman who loves words…and stories and writing daily blogs. When I somehow stumbled on your Chapel of Hope blog several years ago I knew I had discovered a little gold mine. And I discovered a lovely soul who loved life…her granchildren and her garden. I found a friend who, like me, had walked a journey with breast cancer and had endured two mastectomies. Mine were nearly 30 years ago; yours more recently. And for you there was the call heavenward which happened a bit sooner than has mine. I’ve loved meeting each of your family members through your pictures and stories. I’ve been blessed by your son Tommy taking over this blog and keeping us informed during recent days.
And now today has come the notice re your memorial service. So thankful that through Zoom it might be possible to attend from afar. We know it will be a wonderful time of celebrating a life well lived for the Lord and for others too.
Blessings and love to all the family, Lynn