The next letter comes from Patty Knight

We were teacher friends in 1975 and I was just married and new at Alston Middle in Summerville. We were out in the portables and she and I were teaching 8th grade Social Studies. A new experience for me, and Becky pulled me through every day!!! We stayed friends as we were assigned to different schools. When Kristen was born, she gave me such a beautiful handmade bonnet for her and later could be a handkerchief. I still have it.
Later her daughter would babysit Kristen for several years. We went and presented a Social Studies presentation on Teaching history without a textbook in Nashville.
Good memories. We have stayed in touch for the last 30 years when we moved to Simpsonville.
We stayed in touch and never let go. She has fought breast cancer and was always encouraging Kristen and my sister when she was fighting cancer.
She just recently went to The Palms in Mt Pleasant to be near her family. She loved it there.
She blogged every day … The Chapel of Hope. Always posting at 6:00am. About a month ago I asked her if I could help her by selecting a verse or a picture to share in her blog. Always receptive she started using them and said it made it easier for her.
I will miss her sooo. Her imprint on my life will live on. She always called me Peppermint Patty. My heart hurts but I pray to see her again one day.
Thanks for listening/reading❤️I loved Becky Dingle!!!!
Once a friend, Always a friend!!!
Patty Knight
This brought back wonderful memories! Thank you for sharing them! ❤️❤️