Category Archives: Uncategorized

Simple Ideas on Giving…Create Bountiful Blessing Boxes

Dear Reader: Mandy came over yesterday to pick up a packet of lesson plans to teach a special Halloween lesson …at a request from her former school. After getting them packed up we headed out to run some errands and … Continue reading

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When it Doesn’t Work… But Then It Does

Dear Reader: How many times have we looked back on situations that initially disappointed us-perhaps a job interview that went wrong or a missed opportunity that passed us by-only later to discover there was a better job waiting for us … Continue reading

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Even ” Wacky Wabbits” Can Show Us The Direction of the Problem

Dear Reader: It might seem a stretch going from Elmer Fudd and Bugs Bunny to John Travolta in Phenomenon but both teach us lessons about the source of our problems and why we have trouble solving them. In both cases … Continue reading

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When Home IS Family

Dear Reader: As difficult as it was to leave Edisto Island and the Ya’s… I never fail to breathe a sigh of relief when I pull in my driveway and see ” Big Red” my thirteen year old geranium smiling … Continue reading

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When Needs and Wants Intertwine… Seek Beauty

Dear Reader: The hardest thing yesterday was leaving Rest in Peace’s front porch. I do believe that if warring politicians would just rock for awhile on Brooke’s porch… peace and unity would prevail. We Ya’s have solved so many world … Continue reading

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The World We Shape is the World We Touch

Dear Reader: I am writing this blog Thursday evening as the sun sets on our last day together. Already we had to drop Jackson off to start her first step towards her return home to New Jersey. It was almost … Continue reading

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Sunrise at Edisto

Dear Reader: Tuesday I rose at 6:30 and decided that I must see the sun rise-it was the same feeling I had in 2008 when I experienced the dolphin sighting at the jetties. By the time I dressed and arrived … Continue reading

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Jackson of the Sunflowers

Dear Reader: So many moments of joy intermingled with tears of gratitude for simply being alive and being back together, have already culminated in these first two days of our Ya Reunion! Libby decorated the front door in sunflowers and … Continue reading

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The Joy of a Single Step

Dear Reader: Yesterday every step brought us closer together and steps are no longer taken for granted. Accidents and mishaps have taken their toll over the years but it just makes the Ya’s even more grateful for time together. Like … Continue reading

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” We are Whole Only When We Take Into Account Our Shadows”

Dear Reader: The shadows of a person represent one’s weaknesses but without this recognition …we would not grow stronger and turn forward focusing on new opportunities and adventures. The Ya’s have all lost and re-discovered our shadows-after two and a … Continue reading

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