Dear Reader:
I am always so delighted when I find a book I have tucked away for a rainy day read… and then re-discover it …on a rainy day!
Actually yesterday didn’t turn out as rainy as forecasters predicted-much to my chagrin-the plants all need a long cool drink! The Secret Garden author, Frances Hodgson Burnett gave the well-known title quote.
From the beginning of world history gardens have played important roles in historical events and even battles. Spiritually we start civilization with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and Jesus spends his last hours in the Garden of Gethsemane. There is just something so serene and powerful about being surrounded by the beauty of a garden -especially one you ” raised” ( with a lot of help) from infancy to maturity!
Alex Trebek -( Jeopardy) got his last wish-to spend his final hours in a swing in his garden with his wife watching the horizon. What a lovely way to leave life. I can think of no better place than saying my final farewell in my garden!
Ponder all the life lessons we take with us from a garden. Commitment, Continuous Care, Hard Work, Patience, Faith-these attributes teach us how to be good citizens, good friends, good neighbors, and good members of the human race-sharing and distributing what brings us nourishment of the body and soul.
So until tomorrow… the art of gardening restores us to our senses, both literally and figuratively; it propels us away from screens and walls and gets us out into the world!

Today is my favorite day! Winnie the Pooh
