Dear Reader:
I remember when I was going through mother’s desk drawers after she passed I came across this school project that David and his classmates had made for Mother’s Day one year. It was now tattered and faded-but it had obviously meant a lot to mother… for she had kept it all those years.

David died a quarter of a century ( 21) before mother and every day she missed him-David did love mother with all his ” sole” and mother loved him back with all hers… until the day she died. Mothers are like that you know…

I love this true anecdote Jenna Bush told about the morning her family got the news her grandfather, George H. W. Bush had passed. Her husband, Henry, offered to take the kids to give her time to process her devastating loss.
Out loud Jenna commented” I can’t believe this is happening right before Christmas!”
Her then five-year-old daughter said to Henry… ” Daddy, of course it’s happening around Christmas. Gampy had to get up there with Ganny to decorate the Christmas tree!”
Oh so heavenly… What a comforting image that little one tucked into Jenna’s heart at such a sad time.
So until tomorrow… Success isn’t permanent, failure isn’t fatal, and death isn’t the end… only a new beginning.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
I love my witch’s wine goblet-now to think up a special brew! 🤣
