Category Archives: Uncategorized

Once is Enough…

Dear Reader: Have you ever contemplated what your response would be if you could repeat your life over-or perhaps just one particular stage… a chance to right the mistakes made along the way? In one new daily insight journal ( … Continue reading

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Simply Blessed

Dear Reader: For the first time in awhile I have had several days in a row with no pressing appointments or deadlines … and it feels amazing … how simply freeing it all is! Believe me… I know how blessed … Continue reading

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Have You Seen the Muffin Man?

Dear Reader: I think I had a much needed epiphany the other day… when I came across an old muffin pan I had saved from some of mother’s kitchen utensils. Mom used to make cornbread muffins in the tins to … Continue reading

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An Icy Adventure

Dear Reader: Friday night I went to bed hoping to be able to see at least a few snow flurries during the night or early morning-but that was not to be… instead we had frozen rain and sleet mixture. Before … Continue reading

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Aging is a Gift… if You Trust Your ” Gut”

Dear Reader: When I think back to 2008… it no longer makes me nervously push back scary memories of solemn doctors’ faces, a lot of head shaking and scary medical terms I thought I would never hear-malignancy, breast cancer and … Continue reading

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We All Spill Soup

Dear Reader: Today there are so many different brands of soup …but I stay faithful to my tried and true basic Campbell soups when eating at home. My childhood is so tied into these soups …representing comfort… yummy grilled cheese … Continue reading

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Adult ” Freeze Tag” -When to Act and When to Freeze

Dear Reader: We might not be buried under inches and feet of snow but the early morning scenery in the empty lot next door gives credence to the beauty of frozen temperatures creating luscious frosty sparkling glitter in the Lowcountry. … Continue reading

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Keep the Light Burning… Pay Stories Forward

Dear Reader: Stories are found everywhere… like atoms they are part of our genetic universal make-up. Whether we recognize it or even admit it we tell our own unique story every day until we take our last breath. I am … Continue reading

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Simply Remembering People and Places-the Best Kind of Blessings

Dear Reader: Whenever I get overwhelmed by the problems of our world and country, I remember the parable of the sparrow… ( No not that scriptural one) … this one! One day there was a sparrow lying in the street … Continue reading

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A ” Hunker Down” Day

Dear Reader: Don’t we all love an excuse to ‘ lay low’ occasionally, stay in our sweats and pj’s with minimum cleansing-teeth and face, no make-up … just alternate napping, watching television and reading. A quiet Listening day! A break … Continue reading

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