Dear Reader:
We might not be buried under inches and feet of snow but the early morning scenery in the empty lot next door gives credence to the beauty of frozen temperatures creating luscious frosty sparkling glitter in the Lowcountry.
For a few seconds each morning I thank God for the beauty of the earth and then think over any decisions that need to be made that day and I ask God to steer me in the right direction-act on it or wait on it.
Remember when Joshua asked God for a sign before attacking Midian. He even came up with him own test… he would leave some fleece out and if it was wet with dew ( the next morning) but the threshing floor around it dry, he would take it as a sign from God to attack.
Theologians symbolically take the dew as representing Divine Grace because dew is mysterious- it silently forms from no apparent source-yet it freshens leaves, blooms hanging in myriad drops- sparkling in gold and silver. It transforms old leaves into fresh life … brightening the humblest twig.
As Kenny Rogers sang-when it comes to decisions and choices-we really do need to know when ” to play, when to fold and when to walk away. ”
But no matter what we choose-act or wait… the most important thing, our decision must include God and a spirit of Union and surrender. If we trust God will make good out of it-then any wrong choice will right itself.
So until tomorrow…It is not about being correct; it is about being connected.
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
Look what treasure I found hiding in the grass after Mandy, Eva Cate and Jake helped me pick up branches, limbs, and twigs-Jeff will be so happy when he returns to do the yard-save him a lot of time! Thank you Turners!