Dear Reader:
Friday night I went to bed hoping to be able to see at least a few snow flurries during the night or early morning-but that was not to be… instead we had frozen rain and sleet mixture.
Before going to bed I turned on the front yard outside flood lights so I could see the snow flurries if they came down-they never did… BUT…the strangest ” chunk formations” did!
Every other minute or so ( instead of vertical “slick sleet” ) -Try saying that five times-a fat icicle-looking piece fell-it appeared either like two pieces of ice clunked together or they were simply Siamese Twin ice “missiles” attached together. I literally fell asleep counting them.
When I woke up it was about 2:30 in the morning and my car was covered in ice-then suddenly I saw a red light blinking on and off behind the front wind shield? What was that? Never seen a light inside …on my dash board???
I tried to go back to sleep but the ” What if?” monsters stopped me? What if it is the engine or something else dire that needed attention. My next thought was… Did I close all the doors tightly? I had been to the store and remembered closing the rear door with my ” rear” … did I bump it hard enough.
I decided that scenario seemed more likely -so I threw on my overcoat over my pj’s and pulled on my boots and headed out with car keys in hand. I re-opened every door and slammed it again and started the engine-it started right up… but still that irritating red light in the dashboard kept blinking. I gave up-locked the car and came in. Was my car trying out for the lead in Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer?
Still wide awake … I googled my make and model car and described the annoying red light blinker. As far back as 7 or 8 years ago Hyundai Tucson owners had experienced something similar to me. Apparently the red blinking light is a protective mechanism in preventing thefts, etc. If nothing is wrong it eventually stops and by later this morning it had.
Much ado about nothing EXCEPT a good night’s sleep-will never know what triggered it but glad my car is fine and good to go.
My annoyance disappeared by mid-morning as I walked around taking in the beauty of ice on cars and nature.

So until tomorrow… I want to share an interesting tidbit of information with you. I was watching J Schwanke’s weekly show on PBS-Life in Bloom. He had just discovered that patients in hospitals (who receive flowers from family and/ or friends) recover faster than patients whose rooms don’t have flowers… AND… a bouquet of yellow flowers speeds recovery even faster than other color flower bouquets.
Now I know… yellow flowers for sick friends and loved ones in hospitals!

Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh
*** See y’all tomorrow! Stay warm! I am overdue for an afternoon nap after my icy adventure!
Love the apron Anne made for you…she is so talented. And thanks for the information about flowers helping with recovery from illnesses . I love taking flowers to people so now I have even more reason to do it….yellow daffodils are my favorite.