Dear Reader:
Stories are found everywhere… like atoms they are part of our genetic universal make-up. Whether we recognize it or even admit it we tell our own unique story every day until we take our last breath.

I am so thankful that I have been able to tell my story through the StoryWorth project to pass down for generations. My favorite surprise to date, however, is seeing how stories have inter generationally woven themselves into all three children’s lives.

Mandy grew up and became an art teacher-but she didn’t stop with just teaching art-she spent endless hours searching for stories on art and artists that would enhance her students’ love of art. She ” story told” art with relish.

Walsh today works at Nucor-steel and yet he, too, has managed to share his love of storytelling through promotional and inspirational stories as a manager/ team leader over several workers. He likes to start each work shift with stories that uplift and motivate his team in sometimes difficult and trying conditions.

Tommy and his wife Kaitlyn are real estate lawyers … and they , too, know the importance of putting their clients at ease by sharing funny anecdotes of crazy closings that still turned out fine… letting Pip and Atticus ( dogs) come in and nap on the floor -making the office seem homier and not a cold, sterile workplace environment. They love listening to diversified storytelling podcasts daily in the car and especially on long trips.
Oh what a blessing… to see my storytelling passion being passed down. And now blessings on blessings I am seeing the love of stories and imagination developing in my grandchildren!
So until tomorrow… God I am overdue in sending you the biggest Thank You note for allowing me to live long enough to see glimpses of myself and my passions popping up in future generations-once again it proves that we don’t need to leave a legacy engraved in stone… just woven into our loved ones who follow us!
Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh

A Shout-out to my nephew Lee! It’s birthday time again and this year will certainly be a beautiful one with an addition to the family appearing in July, same birthday month as wife Vikki and granddad Ben! Much joy! The best birthday gift of all! Birthday wishes-past, present, future, and one to grow on!

That’s so exciting to see the next generation involved in storytelling. You know how much I love it! Reminds me of the times we shared this art at Rollings, ghosts walks and so many places. Reminds me of people who shared this love like: Joe Middleton, Tim Lowry, Mary Smith, Margie Clary and so, so many others. Thanks for keeping the tradition alive. Sometimes in our worst moments, we realize we are writing our life’s story, and it is up to us to make the best story possible from those times. I’ve always tried to remember, though at the time it was so hard, that out of everything that happens, something good can come. It is up to the storyteller in us to find it. I watched an amputee who will be competing in Paralympics tell about his invention which is helping even his competitors.
Stories are meant to uplift, inspire, and bring hope to those following their life paths behind us. Great memories!!!
Agree with Jo and you…storytelling is a tie that binds generations…love it and now my grandchildren ask me to tell the stories that I shared with my students at OES and AMS…both age groups told me in the Storytelling Clubs we had at both schools that the skills you use in storytelling help you in other areas of your schoolwork…skimming/scanning…learning something by heart…standing in front of a class..eye to eye contact…sequencing…the list goes on…