Dear Reader:
Don’t we all love an excuse to ‘ lay low’ occasionally, stay in our sweats and pj’s with minimum cleansing-teeth and face, no make-up … just alternate napping, watching television and reading. A quiet Listening day! A break from conversations or plannings… just a ‘ R & R ‘ home retreat?
Most of the churches, in the area, had cancelled physical services in favor of Zooming, yesterday, due to the wintry predictions and accelerated Covid cases -I counted only 8 cars going down our street all day. Obviously my neighbors must have been enjoying the same gifted respite.
It was so nice to wake up to a dark day with the sound of rain pattering on the roof. I have decided that these gifts of time are metaphors for returning to the cocoon-a time to snuggle down securely without any guilt pangs! A gift from Mother Nature.
In fact when streaks of sunlight started trying to filter through the clouds in the afternoon I was saddened and cheering on the clouds to win the weather battle. I wasn’t ready to return to the ” norm” so soon.
Honey sent me beautiful pictures of their enormous snowfall… and I was content to live vicariously through her pictures! But it was gorgeous!

I have always considered myself primarily a visual learner yet as I grow older my auditory learning style increases exponentially. For example: While reading a novel… if I fall on a phrase or idiom or even a lyrical expression that I like… I now stop and re-read it aloud to myself before writing it down in my notebook I keep on the table next to the recliner.
In one book recently a character was teasing a little southern girl about her habit of adding prepositions to verbs. Suddenly a personal incident flickered in my memory.
Grandmother Wilson was always reprimanding us grandchildren for not listening enough. Her favorite phrase was ” Now listen up…” One day I got sassy and mimicked her in front of the cousins ( trying to show off) Unfortunately Grandmother overheard me and gathered us all together and gave us the best lesson ever.
” One day children you will learn the importance of listening… but listening alone is not enough! You must be able to trust the person in whom you are listening. So remember this little ditty: Listen Up… Listen Down… Then Look Around.
She must have sensed by our puzzled looks -we didn’t get it. She continued: ” Don’t believe everything you hear… check the source… is this a reliable person you can trust to give you good advice. Look around… who are his/ her friends, Are these the kind of people you were brought up to respect? Do they have your best interests in mind or theirs. Look at their actions -they always speak louder than words.
Grandmother’s advice that day still rings true today. In these days when news shows seem to be multiplying faster than new banks… don’t we all need to look at the actions of our people in the news… look for the kind of people who still put principle over self-interest and country before politics?
So until tomorrow… ” Listen up, listen down, then look all around “
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh
When the first sun rays,yesterday afternoon, burst through the clouds… they caught all the rain drops dangling on the pear tree branches making the tips look like shiny diamonds were on them!

What excellent advise…if only today’s youth would listen to their elders instead if relying on “experts” who they have no idea what their daily lives look like…back in the day families knew each other very well and the older generations were the wise teachers…like your grandmother…of course there was no social media to get your facts from…🤔…your grandmother was very wise…please say a prayer for our family…we are in Blowing Rock where there was 10 to 13 ft of snow. We may try to stay but the owner is coming up so we may have to leave….
Prayers prayers and more prayers!!! Hope you can stay until travel is safe again! 🙏🏻❤️
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Becky,
I was going to ask about your friend who’s up in Blowing Rock – we got a similar amount of snow – between 10-18 inches (not feet here). For us it was definitely a “hunker down day.” Also yesterday! It snowed pretty much ALL day yesterday, stopped for awhile, sleeted, stopped, snowed some more and off and on through the night. Then this afternoon the winds picked up; didn’t blow all the snow away. i can’t tell if it’s now snowing or just the wind blowing the snow around. Most definitely the kind of day to hunker down! I hope your friends who came to BR will either be able to hunker down a bit more, or will have safe travels back to the ‘ville! It’s been a beautiful two days here (church canceled for us; had to go to the YouTube channel to see it pre-recorded)(they NEVER cancel church!).
Love the snow! But, for people who are just visiting it can be a harrowing experience. My prayers for your friends.
Stay safe and warm and dry down there! We’re doing the same up here! (We’re about two hours north of Honey & Mike, but had similar snowfall amounts.
Much love,
You are becoming a true “Mountain Mama” after leaving the Lowcountry…hardy and strong! Great hearing from you!
Thanks Becky, I enjoyed your special thoughts so much! I agree, I like rainy or snowy days especially if you don’t have to go to work or go to an appointment. It is nice to have a day off and slow down. Burning nice aromatic candles go well with a special day off, drinking tea and reading a good book. Also, playing soft music makes it perfect. I would like a day or two of pretty snow here but then it can go away. I have been in too many blizzards to really love a snowy winter. That is why I love living here. Take care and keep up the wonderful writing. Love, Joan
I agree with you…give me some snow flurries and hot cocoa and I am a happy camper!!! Love you Joan!