Category Archives: Uncategorized

Circles of Love

Dear Reader: I am home! I have just experienced the best of both worlds… seeing upfront and personal all the hard work and time Tommy and Kaitlyn have put in renovating their home-( from the fire tragedy) turning one side … Continue reading

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We Are Rare …but Not Perfect

Dear Reader: The rain is forecast to return today, I am heading out early this morning to pick up Ben at Wellmore and take him to the Trident complex for head and neck scans …before returning back to Daniel Island … Continue reading

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Moving on Down the Path

Dear Reader: When the fire tragedy took their home in March of 2020… it also marked the official onset of Covid. Things looked bleak… but now two years later we can look back on all of it as a catalyst … Continue reading

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It’s All in the Stars…

Dear Reader: Monday night as I was packing to head over to Tommy’s and Kaitlyn’s house… my mind was swirling… I had taken one of the slips of paper from Kaitlyn’s Christmas gift-a tin box filled with cards to write … Continue reading

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” What’s Up Doc?”

Dear Reader: Today is February 1 and you know we have the tradition of calling out ” Rabbit” ” Rabbit” the first thing when we wake up on the first day of the month. As the story goes… doing this … Continue reading

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Letting Our Spirituality Bring Us Full Circle-The Best Part of Aging

Dear Reader: I mentioned yesterday that I was starting an article on another perspective about ” exciting” aging when Betsy let me know about about the 95th anniversary of Winnie the Pooh-a little bear near and dear to my heart. … Continue reading

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Celebrate! The 95th Anniversary of Winnie the Pooh

Dear Reader: I had started another post when I saw I had a message from Betsy, Ya Libby’s daughter. Curious… I stopped writing and read the message… it was an article on the 95Th Anniversary of the creation of one … Continue reading

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I See You… I Am Here

Dear Reader: How many of you remember seeing this home video when it exploded on every news station and talk show in America? One could almost hear aloud the collective sigh of ” AH” coming from viewers and audiences alike. … Continue reading

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From the Littlest Things Come the Greatest Lessons

Dear Reader: When I accidentally came across this article in Newsweek I left an appointment office waiting room with a smile on my face… let’s hear it for God’s creatures-who come in all sizes. And even the smallest can teach … Continue reading

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The Power of Praying Aloud

Dear Reader: Didn’t most of us grow up with at least one ” crazy” great-aunt who talked to herself? In my family it was Aunt Nora. If I was ever left alone with her for any amount of time ( … Continue reading

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