Category Archives: Uncategorized

Happy Contentment

Dear Reader: I have decided that my top three sources of happy contentment come from Mountain Views, Beach Walks, and Cozy Fireplaces! My top three favorite things in life. Add three amazing friends who dropped off lemon chicken soup, ( … Continue reading

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Deferred Dreams… Sometimes the Best Kind

Dear Reader: Isn’t hindsight so much easier and clarifying than future dreams? Looking back on my life now… I see how the ” wait time” on my dreams was never really deferred-it simply wasn’t time for it to reveal itself … Continue reading

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Whatever Gets You Through the Night

Dear Reader: In this John Lennon’s 60’s album he took a popular expression for his title and suggested that ” Whatever gets you through the night… It’s all right… it’s all right.” When I looked up the meaning behind the … Continue reading

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Are You in Your ” Molting” Season?

Dear Reader: Of all the Ya’s Libby wins, hands down, with the funniest expressions. I am used to hearing her response to ” How are you doing Libby?” ( if I call too early in the morning) … her standard … Continue reading

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God Winks

Dear Reader: I was thinking the other day that I haven’t talked about how God Winks got started for me and my inner awareness of them in my daily life today -in a long time. . They are such an … Continue reading

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Palpable Passages

Dear Reader: As you know I love words and I love Madeleine L’ Engle’s writings for her shared love of God and words. Some of her passages in her 40 Day Journal are so closely tied into my thoughts and … Continue reading

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The Amazing ” Thisness” in Each of Us

Dear Reader: I have mentioned in earlier posts that there is one thing that I will take to my grave as the ” absolute truth ” and that is … we are all connected… every living creature, every living being … Continue reading

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Talks and Conversations.

Dear Reader: We are in the ” dead” of winter and particularly this year, with half of our country covered in deep snow, sadly more winter-related deaths have been reported than ever. . So I know how lucky the Lowcountry … Continue reading

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Faith and Doubt… Our Constant Traveling Companions

Dear Reader: It is always so comforting to me to read the incidences throughout Jesus’ life that made Him doubt too and how He always used prayer to His Father to reassure Him, and restore His faith … to show … Continue reading

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Start with a Stone…

Dear Reader: For Christmas Anne gave me a book of daily meditations called ” Yes, And…” and I was already hooked by the title-I had found a kindred soul author who loved … ( 3 dots ) as much as … Continue reading

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