Category Archives: Uncategorized

Christmas is all About Re- Birth and Second Chances…

Dear Reader: At Christmas we rejoice over the birth of our Savior but not just His first birth and life on Christmas Day, but also the second birth and His gift of eternal life to those who believe …after death… … Continue reading

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Another Day Filled With Unexpected Amazing Expectations…

But… I was so happy to hug it again and wish ” Big Red” Merry Christmas and get to go home if only for a brief time collecting a few things I needed to pick up. Then onto having ” … Continue reading

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God’s Gifts in the Sky

Dear Reader: What a wonderful day I had yesterday. My friend, KC Myers, came to see me bearing a pizza… Oh Happy Day! But as much as I love pizza… it was conversing and catching up with KC that made … Continue reading

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Breath, Wind, or Spirit

Dear Reader: Yesterday my neighbor Vickie came to visit and update me on my gardens… we had so much fun catching up, Angela, my RNNurse, stopped in to get my vitals and visit and both Vickie and I had a … Continue reading

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Finding Joy and Happiness in Christmas Cards…

Dear Reader: When I opened this Christmas card a couple of days ago… I first was taken back by the card’s unique and creative imagery … a colorful ” Christmas Tree” made from sea shells … it immediately made me … Continue reading

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” I Never Lose… I Either Win or Learn”

Dear Reader: During the first few days each year ( while teaching) my initial strategy ( besides getting to know each student’s name) was to start reeling in my eighth graders with ” Strange but true” stories around historical events … Continue reading

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Sometimes Heroes Can Be Found in the Quietest Places

Dear Reader: You know you are reading a memorable book when you find yourself relating your life with the story! First of all… I find this author’s style of writing smooth, comfortable, with two stories involving the same main character … Continue reading

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Be Open to Life…

Dear Reader: Yesterday brought me surprises, new adventures, and opportunities that made me very happy. A contented fun Sunday! Mandy and my granddaughter , Eva Cate, surprised me … bringing me hers and Jake’s Christmas photo card! Since the predicted … Continue reading

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The Secret Above Happiness…

Dear Reader: By now in our lives we have come to recognize that happiness, like sorrow, is a mood and neither last a lifetime. Our moods change like the weather. Yet some people do seem able to maintain an aura … Continue reading

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Anxiously Awaiting My Merry Christmas Gift to Me to Arrive … TODAY!

I have already read so many critiques on this novel (published in 2021) waiting on its arrival …that I feel I have a great head-start and understanding before even opening the first page. One critic said he pictured books dressed … Continue reading

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