Dear Reader:
When I opened this Christmas card a couple of days ago… I first was taken back by the card’s unique and creative imagery … a colorful ” Christmas Tree” made from sea shells … it immediately made me smile.
Just then a folded piece of paper fell out attached to a personal note explaining the history behind the enclosed story. The card and enclosed explanation had been sent by a wonderful friend from my past-Debbie Baker.
We became close while our children were small and taking swimming lessons together. Debbie’s oldest daughter, Julie, and my daughter, Mandy, were the same age and became close friends … being in the same early classes at school and attending the same sleepover invitations.
So seeing Debbie’s name and address on the envelope brought back wonderful memories.
I read her note ( attached to the story) and then the story itself… an unforgettable experience.
” Becky I saved this a long time ago so I can take it out and read it to remind ME how important it is to have the right attitude and now what you are going through-this story is your story.”

This story touched my heart and several one-liners in it will stay with me forever…Here are some memorable lines that should never be forgotten in this synopsis in case you are having problems reading copy above.
…The story starts by describing the main character-a beautiful well-versed 83 year old who dresses up every morning at 8 -hair done, make-up-on this special day she is moving to a retirement home… her decision after losing her husband.
She patiently waits for her room to be ready while one of the employees describes it in detail.
She replies, ” I love it!” with the enthusiasm of an 8 year old girl with a new pet.
” Mrs. Jones, you haven’t seen the room yet… just wait.”
“That doesn’t matter, she replies.”
“Happiness is something you decide over time. Whether or not I like my room doesn’t depend on how the furniture is arranged, it depends on how I arrange my mind.
” I’ve already decided I like it. It’s a decision I make every morning when I wake up. I have the choice; I can spend the day in bed , going through the difficulty I have with body parts that don’t work, or get out of bed and be thankful for the parts that do work.”
Every day is a gift, and as long as my eyes open, I will focus on the new day and the happy memories I have stored just for this time in my life.
HAPPINESS is like a bank account: you withdraw from it… what you deposit.
So my advice would be to deposit a lot of happiness into your memory account.
Remember these five simple things:
Free your heart from hate and discord
Free your mind from worries
Live Simply
Give More
Take less
Isn’t that a story that needs to follow us wherever we go? And to remember to keep depositing happiness. One day that gift ( gift of happy memories) will be your greatest gift!
***Walsh and Mollie picked me up yesterday around 11 and we were off Christmas shopping for three little grandchildren-gifts from Boo and Christmas birthdays ( like Walsh!) Kringle Dingle!

But we ended up at the best restaurant and had plenty to take back for another meal!

So until tomorrow… with the chilly weather and hustle and bustle of Dicks Sports Shop, the favorite shop of little boys… ” It’s beginning to look and feel a lot like Christmas !”
❤️❤️❤️ sounds like you had a good day…love the card and the powerful message…
Beautiful story that Debbie sent! So glad you’re getting settled and getting out a little as well!
Read on Dec. 24th……
Dear Becky,
I need to read that story every day to “all of my parts.” 😄
Something fun to share. Pastor Jeff mentioned you during our service the other day during our Joys n Concerns as doing well and claimed that you were “ Bounce Back Becky!”
Wishing you the Merriest of Christmases and a New Year filled with as many energy angels and comfort prayers as you need for “all of your parts” to get and go!
Peace, Blessings, n Joy to you, sweet lady,
With love,
Bernice 🎄🎄🎄❣️🎄🎄🎄