Category Archives: Uncategorized

Make New Friends but Keep the Old … One is Silver and the Other Gold …

Dear Reader: I was so excited yesterday waiting on my friend Cindy Ashley to arrive. We were teachers together-Cindy -science and myself social studies. When she did arrive she held up a bag with a much needed item-a Sammy the … Continue reading

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A Home is Where Our Story Begins…

Dear Reader: Never had this quote, a favorite of mine, ever been truer, than yesterday. Both Mandy and Tommy stopped by and I had such wonderful conversations with both of them -Mandy then adding more Christmas magic to my new … Continue reading

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Creative Christmas Artworks that Send Your Childhood Favorite Christmas Scenes to Form a Most Satisfying Smile…

Dear Reader: Yesterday afternoon..I suddenly felt weary and laid back in my love seat … my semi-conscious mind started flipping through a Christmas book filled with original scenes of Christmas… funny, beautiful basic nature scenes-some seen through the eyes of … Continue reading

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Never Forget to Focus on the Happy Christmas Spirit that includes just plain FUN …

So glad Tommy and Kaitlyn went on to the mountains -a day later but stayed later too… it was the very best remedy after losing Schatzi so suddenly! Numbers Play an important role in December -the Christmas Month-both mother/ hostesses … Continue reading

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Bringing the Christmas Spirit Home to my beloved state

Aren’t there so many different memory perspectives of our imagery ( from childhood on) of the Wisemen kneeling before the newborn king. And still true… if we are spiritually ” wise” … then we understand the secret of life, love, … Continue reading

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Never Walk into December without the Most Beautiful Gifts… blessings of Peace, Love, HEALTH, faith, and Good Tidings …

Dear Reader: There is a lot of activity going on ( SATURDAY) -yesterday-with new residents moving in …. busy and hectic. But thankfully for me … long-time friend…Anne Peterson arrived …bringing a surprise-Pam Stewart-both from my church -Dorchester Presbyterian Church … Continue reading

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Guess Who I Found at the edge of my Garden Plot?

Dear Reader: Thursday Mandy and I went outside into my backyard and patio. Mandy started cleaning out broken planters and debris. As I strolled around I stopped … there was a statue of Rebekah ( Rebecca) from the Biblical story … Continue reading

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Gratitude Turns What We Have … Into Enough…

Dear Reader: Even though a series of health disasters coupled to make it necessary ( for me) to go off all cancer medicine but daily necessitate more intensive vital check-ups…. ( with all kinds of different medicines with someone responsible … Continue reading

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Angels Watch Us, and Wrap Gently Around Us … Whispering … (to Remind Us…) We Are Loved…!

Dear Reader: I must admit I have felt the presence of angels here more than anytime in the past that I can remember …and that ” presence” has brought me such comfort! So I told Mandy that the little artificial … Continue reading

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Tuesday ( Day of Giving)

Have you ever stopped to consider that most times the rather rare feelings of exultation and exhilaration, don’t appear as a ” product” but as a ” process?” Giving Tuesday inspired me throughout the day with varied creative ideas among … Continue reading

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