Be Open to Life…

I love getting a card with BooBoo on it – my favorite grandmother name!
Life is about to get good!

Dear Reader:

Yesterday brought me surprises, new adventures, and opportunities that made me very happy. A contented fun Sunday!

Mandy and my granddaughter , Eva Cate, surprised me … bringing me hers and Jake’s Christmas photo card!

Since the predicted rains had not started yet. Mandy, Eva Cate and I decided to tour the entire premises here and be surprised by the magic of Christmas popping up all over.

We ended up at the front to see if any packages had come for me and there was one… when I opened it back in my room guess what?

My BOOK! I can hardly wait to start reading! Joy to the World!

Then I was invited to a free fresh flower gathering-we were given each a size and shape of a vase we liked and a bucket of flowers which we shared with two others-end result- resulting in our own vase of fresh flowers/which we each took back to freshen and brighten our rooms…

Fresh Flowers Make Me So Happy!!!

And now… the smell of fresh flowers, new Christmas photos, six of my Christmas cards off… ” It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.”

Today is my favorite day…Winnie the Pooh

Excuse me… it is time to go to another world- to an American Library in Paris in the 1930’s!

About Becky Dingle

I was born a Tarheel but ended up a Sandlapper. My grandparents were cotton farmers in Laurens, South Carolina and it was in my grandmother’s house that my love of storytelling began beside an old Franklin stove. When I graduated from Laurens High School, I attended Erskine College (Due West of what?) and would later get my Masters Degree in Education/Social Studies from Charleston Southern. I am presently an adjunct professor/clinical supervisor at CSU and have also taught at the College of Charleston. For 28 years I taught Social Studies through storytelling. My philosophy matched Rudyard Kipling’s quote: “If history were taught in the form of stories, it would never be forgotten.” Today I still spread this message through workshops and presentations throughout the state. The secret of success in teaching social studies is always in the story. I want to keep learning and being surprised by life…it is the greatest teacher. Like Kermit said, “When you’re green you grow, when you’re ripe you rot.”
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2 Responses to Be Open to Life…

  1. Gin-g Edwards says:

    Oh…That would be my happy place…arranging flowers…and I can’t wait to hear about the book and hopefully get to see you soon.
    .love you.

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