Category Archives: Uncategorized

” Ghost Story” Weather for the First Day of September

Dear Reader: Well September didn’t start out quite as lovely as one might hope -for the first day of the ” Fall months”- ( here in the Lowcountry) but it was the perfect day for cuddling in the recliner with … Continue reading

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Dear Reader: Finally… September is here! It is the first day of September and as British poet -Philip Larkin-inscribed: ” Autumn has caught us in our summer wear.” BUT… in exactly three weeks -to the day-Thursday September 22 , 2022 … Continue reading

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Using Gladness as a Tool to Help Others

Dear Reader: As I was scrolling through Kelly Rae Roberts monthly newsletter… I heard of Frederick Buechner’s ( writer, novelist, poet, essayist, Presbyterian minister and theologian) passing last week-he was in his nineties. He was one of my favorite poets!!! … Continue reading

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” Is” and “Are” … A World of Difference

Dear Reader: I happened to catch part of the movie National Treasure ( 2nd sequel) over the weekend and must admit enjoying it again immensely! I am all for students watching historical fiction shows because if they get interested in … Continue reading

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N O W…

Dear Reader: I have to say I was proud of myself yesterday after a very hot tiring Saturday… fun but the sun was not my friend! I made the early church service in the woods and , as usual, was … Continue reading

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Leaving ” Space” for Good Luck Traditions

Dear Reader: I just happened to catch the last few minutes of the evening news Friday night with Lester Holt-he was saying how history was about to be made Monday morning with the first female launch director for NASA’s Exploration-first … Continue reading

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When It’s God’s Turn

Dear Reader: Have you ever given much thought to the definition of the word ” turn? ” The definition reads: ” Turn: To move something so that it is in a different position in relation to its previous position. “ … Continue reading

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There are Years that ask Questions and Years that Answer…

Dear Reader: The nice thing about attaining longevity in life is the opportunity it allows you to discover the answers you sought for years ago? After my initial breast cancer diagnosis in 2008 … my questions centered around time -how … Continue reading

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I Wonder as I Wander Out Under the Sky…

Dear Reader: Anne sent me an email a couple of days ago that I finally had time to read and was just blown away. Apparently I missed the ” unveiling” of the latest Webb photos of our universal galaxies at … Continue reading

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Meriwether Lewis’s Moon Snail

Dear Reader: Most of us have heard of the Lewis and Clark Expedition that President Jefferson sent out to discover a river route to the Pacific for economical trading benefits and also to discover what secrets the western frontier held … Continue reading

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