Dear Reader:
Anne sent me an email a couple of days ago that I finally had time to read and was just blown away. Apparently I missed the ” unveiling” of the latest Webb photos of our universal galaxies at the White House. Mind-boggling doesn’t come close to describing what I felt yesterday morning pouring over the photos.
For example… the title Webb photo today covers ” a patch of sky approximately the size of a grain of sand… held at arm’s length by someone on the ground – it reveals thousands of galaxies in a tiny sliver of our vast universe-4.6 billion years ago.”
Are you feeling as tiny as I am right now? It reminds me of a story I heard once about President Theodore Roosevelt. There was an impending important piece of legislation that needed passing but the President was meeting with a lot of opposition ( sound familiar.) So he decided to invite the ” powers that be” to his retreat home-Sagamore Hill.
He wined and dined to no avail… nobody seemed to be budging in their stance. Suddenly TR asked everyone to follow him outside -once there they were to separate and follow the stars only with their eyes for twenty minutes -no talking!
At first grumbling commenced until one glare from TR stopped it in its tracks! Soon the initial ( quiet sighs) changed from frustrated to awestruck. After the twenty minute interval everyone returned to the conference room .
The President slowly met everyone’s stare and then breathlessly remarked ” If you felt small tonight in the presence of God’s handiwork… don’t! We might be small but God made sure we weren’t made insignificant! Tonight we have the honor of being able to pass legislation for the good of the many for years to come. Gentlemen, tonight let’s make a significant difference in the lives of many. ” The legislation passed.
Look at these photos called ” The Phantom Galaxy” … never seen before. It appears that in the heart of the galaxy… a black hole has formed-another mystery to be solved.

I find myself wondering if God didn’t place a black hole in each of our hearts too? Is it a mysterious passage that leads us into our “forever home” … one day we all will know. The mystery will be solved!
Look at this final Webb photo… it was called the “Sea of Stars” -it is where the ” Stella Nursery” exists -where baby stars are born to replace the stars that have died. The eternal mystery of the universe!

So until tomorrow…” When I look at the heavens, the work of your finger, the moon and the stars that you have established -what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them.” Psalm: 3-4
Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh

One of my favorite anthems comes from this verse…it is called The Majesty and Glory of His Nane …it is beautiful like the stars and galaxies that He created..