Category Archives: Uncategorized

Looking for ” Authenticity “-Look No Further Than Popeye the Sailor Man!

Dear Reader: Are you like me… do you think some words begin to make you weary, honestly grate on your nerves, through overuse … by just listening to another ” self-help” guru use them… just one time too many? If … Continue reading

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Who Tells Your Story?

Dear Reader: Saturday night was one of those long-drawn -out nights where sleep just eluded me. I don’t have many of those nocturnal episodes much anymore but when I do – it is quite frustrating. I fell asleep at 10 … Continue reading

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Making Time Daily for a ” Walk-Away”

Dear Reader: When I first saw today’s visual title message… I was skimming the internet and initially read it as ” I’m a simple person who just likes long walks in the book.” ( no aisles) Not that I don’t … Continue reading

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The First ” Step by Step” Life Travelers

Dear Reader: Don’t you remember counting steps as a child playing games outside that required a certain number of steps to be measured (as in variations of Hide and Seek?) And even if we don’t remember it… our parents probably … Continue reading

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Making ” Sense” of Our Senses in the Next World

Dear Reader: I am in love with the weather this past week-it is as if the heavens are smiling down on the Lowcountry… dropping high nineties back into the more comfortable 80’s with ( most importantly) much lower humidity. First … Continue reading

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Take Time Daily to Simply Love the World…

Dear Reader: By now you early bird readers know that I was ” late… for a very important date-today’s writing! Chalk it up to having a ” Ding-bat” moment yesterday and once again leaving my mobile phone -this time at … Continue reading

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Life is a Series of Conversations…

Dear Reader: Today when we talk about a ” conversation piece” we can be referring to anything from a strange sculpture or crazy abstract painting to bizarre architecture or even just a wild centerpiece on a table. Originally a ” … Continue reading

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Re-thinking Our Lives…From Success to Significance

Dear Reader: I am a television volume control operator when I am reading a book but just want to glance at an interesting program occasionally when I look up from the pages. Up and down goes the volume … this … Continue reading

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It’s Dayspring Time!

Dear Reader: No excuses! I got myself back to the closest ” little chapel in the woods” in Summerville-the outside early church service at my church Dorchester Presbyterian. I woke up to low humidity and low seventies… maybe it was … Continue reading

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Fried or Scrambled?

Dear Reader: Honey and I were musing the other day how freeing it is, as retired teachers, to watch the school buses rattle by our homes the first day of school and know we aren’t waiting at the other end … Continue reading

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