Dear Reader:
Have you ever given much thought to the definition of the word ” turn? ” The definition reads: ” Turn: To move something so that it is in a different position in relation to its previous position. “
It is a popular word in musical song titles:: Examples: Turn Turn Turn by the Byrds who “sing of the seasons constantly turning throughout our lives,”or giving ” Judy” her ” turn” to cry or Vicki Sue her chance to ” turn the beat around” or even Cher and her wish to “turn back time.”( Don’t we all wish?)
Like the “turn” definition explains… if we decide to turn our troubles over to God-we must be ready to ( not move something but somebody … us …into a different position in relation to our previous position.) In other words we have to be willing to let God steer while we climb in the backseat! Ah …we mere mortals and our struggle to let go and turn the driving back over to our Creator.
I had to laugh when I opened my little tin card holder ( titled -Give it to God) and saw what I had written down weeks earlier. I must have gotten down to my last ” straw” of patience when I read the two words –Whatever Lord” ( I am giving this one to you” ) I , obviously had reached the ” end of my rope” though now I can’t even remember what the ” crisis ” was about??? God just took care of it in His own good time and wisdom. He’s really good at that!

Whenever I am working on turning a personal problem ( that is out of my control) over to God I always picture this cartoon image of how God ” changes” each of our lives as a loving mother would ” change” an infant. God is the one and only change-agent Who really knows us! Who can get to the ” bare bottom” of our problem.

Barbara Johnson in Daily Splashes of Joy… tells a story of a man who was taking a cruise on an ocean liner. Somehow one of his socks got away from him and blew over the railing, lost forever. Without a thought the man flipped the other sock over the railing too. He knew when he was looking at a hopeless situation.
Barbara goes on to add that some people would hang onto the other sock out of habit-and end up with one sock for months or even years cluttering up a drawer before finally tossed.
Haven’t we all been guilty of trying to hang on to a job, career, house, location, or even relationship long after feelings, hopes and dreams have disappeared too … forever lost?
So until tomorrow… ” Show us the way Father … the steps to take…unencumbered…knowing You hold our future in Your hands.”
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh

Yesterday morning I went to the mailbox and there was a package from Honey-she had seen these ” Boo” socks and immediately thought of me … getting ready for Fall starts earlier in the gorgeous mountains ( see card painting) I love them Honey and believe me… I will Not lose one sock over a cruise ship railing-they will stick together forever!

So true…everything in God’s timing…
Your devotional today reminds me of the saying: “Let go and let God…” As we do this He gladly takes our burdens and instead loads us with benefits and blessings. I pray I will have eyes that see those blessings as I release the heavier burdens to Him.
So true but so hard to do!!! Give me courage Lord!!! Give me faith!!!