Dear Reader:
As I was scrolling through Kelly Rae Roberts monthly newsletter… I heard of Frederick Buechner’s ( writer, novelist, poet, essayist, Presbyterian minister and theologian) passing last week-he was in his nineties. He was one of my favorite poets!!!
Like me… Kelly had one poem of his, that served as her mantra-the idea that our contributions to the world… should stem from our inner joy. It brought up the question-Can our gladness-the thing that sparks our hearts and lifts our spirits-be of service in a weary world?
Can the things that bring us personal joy -be someone else’s tiny miracle? Something they crave and need at the right moment? Yes and more Yes!!! In fact that is where God’s Winks come in!
Haven’t we all picked up a book, watched a movie, had a conversation with a stranger… and then walked away knowing we were given a response, an answer to a problem -a lifting of a burden we had been carrying? We were supposed to read, hear, see, or listen to a divine message hidden in everyday ” tools” of life?
Nothing makes me happier than when I hear back from a reader that one particular post addressed what they, themselves, were experiencing or seeking – perhaps now with a different perception or simply a reaffirmation to their decision.
I understand that it was not me directly that provided an answer-I was simply sharing my own joy in a situation that I wanted to share. God provided the Bridge.
” Found” – by Frederick Buechner
Maybe it’s all utterly meaningless
Maybe it’s all utterly meaningful
If you want to know which to pay attention to-what it means to be truly human in a world that half the time we’re in love with and half the time scares the hell out of us... watch for the hidden clues
The unexpected sound of your name on somebody’s lips
The good dream.
The strange coincidence.
The moment that brings tears to your eyes
The person who brings life to your life.
So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh
***I had an “a-ha” moment recently when Brooke sent out some positive attributes about using beliefs and affirmations in our daily lives… without even realizing it. I, particularly liked the example on daily Hope!
Every night we go to bed without any assurance of being alive the next morning- but still we set the alarm to wake up. That is HOPE!

Last year selected students cut their hand prints out of steel -the artist placed all the “hands” on the horse –and just recently the statue was unveiled. Rutledge was one of the students selected… such a ” cool” idea and will only grow in significance as the students themselves, grow older.