Dear Reader:
I have to say I was proud of myself yesterday after a very hot tiring Saturday… fun but the sun was not my friend! I made the early church service in the woods and , as usual, was glad I did!
It was pretty overcast at 9 yesterday morning and cool. God was definitely present …working the sun rays like a cameraman might work lights in a Broadway production… because suddenly these beautiful filtered rays would spread across the back of the woods behind the ” pulpit” peppering the forest like twinkling lights.
The” Wink” came about with the perfect timing of our minister Jeff’s words. He was telling us about a book he was reading that discussed the stages of ancient civilizations-and like everything in life civilizations have a beginning and ending. Even though the author felt like our country’s civilization is showing characteristics of nearing the end…she still believed in the goodness of man and the human spirit to turn things around.
Jeff agreed … but then disagreed in one regard- First Jesus has got to be on board – man, simply by his mortal restrictions, needs to call on the only ” leader” whose long-term vision is not restricted.
Jeff had no sooner uttered that statement… when suddenly the sun’s rays streaked through the woods lighting it up in a dazzling display of beauty. I felt Jesus was whispering a quiet ” Amen.”
During another part of the sermon -Jeff asked us to take a moment-and think about an age in our lives – that upon reflection… was our best time in life-where we felt in control, confident and mostly content.
Suddenly numbers were being shared out loud… numbers like 25, 50, ( 40 popular one) 30, etc… suddenly I heard myself shout out ” Now” … and at Jeff’s inquiring look… I finished… ” These days, every day when I wake up to the sun shining in… I am happy, content. No… I still don’t feel in control of my life or even particularly confident …except that I know God IS in charge and I just need to concentrate on living the best life I can.
Jeff reiterated that ” Now” is all we have -we can’t go back and we can’t fly ahead… so everyday we wake up “alive ” on this planet we have a clean slate to live our very best day.

So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

Loved todays blog! Now truly is the best time for me as well! 🥰
I loved all the years when the kids were growing up….but once was enough….now is more leisurely and reflective!!!!
I totally agree!
Amen! Reminded me of this tune I made for Rhode’s album.
Here’s another one with your brother recalling a Vietnam story and how unlikely it is that he made it out, that I was born, and that now he was getting a grandson.
Lee Barbour MusicianProducerBookings
https://www.instagram.com/leebarbour/ https://www.instagram.com/inf.jag/ https://leebarbour.com/
Lee….both songs so powerful in their own way. Rhodes’ dedication explains “NOW” perfectly….”There’s never been a moment in time that wasn’t NOW! Amen!!!
Will play the second remembrance song about Ben’s story to him when I see him…life is so precious because it can be over in a second!!!!
Thank you for sharing!!!!