Category Archives: Uncategorized

” I Only Have Eyes for You”

Dear Reader: For years now I have shared historical stories with you that I once shared with my eighth grade students in American History. My first and favorite unit was the Presidential unit. I told human interest stories that thirteen-year-olds … Continue reading

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A Time to Burst Out Laughing…

Dear Reader: Yesterday when I saw a Fed Ex package on my porch… upon my return from the dreaded grocery store weekly run… I couldn’t remember what I ordered-wasn’t expecting anything??? When I first opened it… I simply stared back … Continue reading

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Gathering Thoughts and Memories…

Dear Reader: Like so many others… memories growing up in the ” Elizabethan II” years have come pouring back these past couple of days since Queen Elizabeth’s passing Thursday. My earliest memory is a story mother told me about a … Continue reading

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The Magic of a Beautiful Word …

Dear Reader: I didn’t make a grammatical error in the title-leaving out the ” l” in “world”- instead I was surprised by a magical ” word.” It all started while I was “babysitting” my fifth moonflower bud. As I walked … Continue reading

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Why Gathering is so Important…

Dear Reader: When I started getting ” Fall Ready” visually Tuesday afternoon ( upon my return from Tommy’s and Kaitlyn’s) -decorating my Happy Room was my first ” to do” item. Normally I exchange wreaths for the mantle but something … Continue reading

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Life Will Find A Way…

Dear Reader: Yesterday morning I woke up on the adorable B&B side of Tommy and Kaitlyn’s duplex…. the sun was shining through the trees-the skies were a brilliant blue with white puffy clouds floating happily in the breezes-I felt, for … Continue reading

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Falling for Pumpkins and Scary Stories

Dear Reader: Yesterday was the day I dragged bags of pumpkins out to start decorating for my favorite season . Since I am leaving shortly to spend the night with Tommy and Kaitlyn-watching the first Clemson game of the season… … Continue reading

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Final Life Exam-Were You an Oxygen-taker or Giver?

Dear Reader: What if… we all could ( invisibly ) attend our own funeral and watch the count of hands from every single person we met in life vote on if we 1) exhaled warmth, selfless giving, and generosity or … Continue reading

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The Old Farmers Almanac

Dear Reader: When I got back from the Turners – yesterday afternoon-celebrating Mandy’s birthday …I checked the mail and there was a copy of the history behind the creation of the Old Farmers Almanac and fun facts about folklore and … Continue reading

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Stranger than Fiction…

Dear Reader: When I added this tin sign to my window sill overlooking my side garden recently ( with one of my favorite quotes about gardens on it) ” And into the garden I go… to LOSE MY MIND and … Continue reading

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