Category Archives: Uncategorized

It’s Falling… It’s Falling… Fall fell!

Dear Reader: Fall officially arrives tonight around 9:00. In the Lowcountry – summer has added one more ” heat” victory today…making fall wait another 24 hours – Fall Equinox or not. But by Friday night we will be in the … Continue reading

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Fortitude… Built Brick by Brick

In the latest Magnolia Fall 2022 Journal… the title read The Fortitude We Gain Along the Way. In one of many diverse articles centering around the word ” fortitude” the author admitted that she found the word, itself, intimidating. I … Continue reading

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A Special Charleston Connection to the Coronation

Dear Reader: One of my favorite memories after Brooke and I moved to Charleston – following Erskine graduation … was touring Charles Towne Landing… that was completed in 1970 for the Tricentennial of this famous historic site. Since I taught … Continue reading

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Our Heart is Known by the Path We Walk…

Dear Reader: When I saw this title passage… it made me pause and contemplate all the trodden and down trodden paths I have been on this past week! Twice I have tried to get to Mt Pleasant and Daniel Island… … Continue reading

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Call Off The Search Party…

Dear Reader: How many times have we heard a parent sigh and admit that her son and/ daughter just graduated from college… and now they are traveling around to ” find themselves.” Of course there is nothing wrong with that … Continue reading

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” The Honeybees were making Honey in my Heart”

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a repeat of Wednesday with traffic once again at a standstill on the interstate … ended up calling Ben’s heart specialist office from my car to let them know today was a ” No Go.” Two … Continue reading

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Penetrating the Barriers of Magic to Discover Realism

Dear Reader: One of my favorite aspects of reading is coming across passages that stop me in my tracks and force me to reread them again… more slowly the second time around… while my mind plays games with it. For … Continue reading

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Better Late Than Never…

Dear Reader: Remember Tuesday when I mentioned that I hoped I-26 and 526 would not be backed up causing delays in getting to Mt Pleasant in time for the Grandparents early morning recognition and ” tea party? ” I think … Continue reading

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” And Suddenly Summer Collapsed into Fall…”

Dear Reader: Hopefully, as many of you are reading today’s post… I am experiencing ( or have already experienced) the fresh feel of fall!) Yesterday the local weatherman was excited about experiencing fall-like weather himself-low ( early morning) sixties, low … Continue reading

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The Little Pumpkin that Could…

Dear Reader: Garth Brooks ( on Kelly Clarkson’s ) new season kick-off show yesterday -made this simple but profound statement-“You can’t have a top without a bottom. ” For every high ” top” in our life… there will be a … Continue reading

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