Dear Reader:
One of my favorite memories after Brooke and I moved to Charleston – following Erskine graduation … was touring Charles Towne Landing… that was completed in 1970 for the Tricentennial of this famous historic site.

Since I taught SC History, as well as, American history-we took the students to this site ( field trips) several times over the years. ***And now… 337 years after King Charles II’s death ended his reign… King Charles III will soon be officially crowned King of England.

I researched all the kings and queens who reigned during the rather long lapse of time between the two Charles and there was a James, William III and Mary II, Anne, a bunch of George’s (I, III, IV) William IV, Queen Victoria, King Edward VII, George V, Edward VIII ( abdicated) George VI and Queen Elizabeth II.

But one other royal name managed to out separate even the two Charles’ reigns. Who you ask! Elizabeth! There was 419 years separating the reigns of the two Elizabeth’s-the I and II!!!

*** This last photo of Queen Elizabeth II was her official 96th birthday picture! ( Pretty in pink) As one bystander was overheard saying yesterday… ” What a dame! What a reign!”
So until tomorrow… I had supper with Susan, Bekah, and Ady Sunday evening…and what a blessing it is to have time to just talk and gather. Staying updated in this fast-paced world is important.

They gave me my birthday presents early and they were great ones-especially the witches ” brew.” Great vino! 😉

And yesterday was officially Lassie’s birthday! Don’t we love our fall birthdays Lassie!

Mollie had texted both boys’ teachers to ask how they were doing over the weekend … and then Lachlan and Rutledge each wrote their teachers a note … Mollie showed me this response back from Rutledge’s teacher.

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh