Dear Reader:
Yesterday was a repeat of Wednesday with traffic once again at a standstill on the interstate … ended up calling Ben’s heart specialist office from my car to let them know today was a ” No Go.” Two hours of bumper to bumper traffic… only to return home completely frustrated! Mission NOT accomplished.
What used to be an occasional slow down has become almost a normal interstate parking lot occurrence … my poor car is wasting gas and mucho miles for ” nada.” I know only two letters separate ” usual ” and “un” usual but those two extra letters can play havoc with your day… as in an unusual amount of traffic!!!
So by the time I got home ( tired and starving) I was in a frustrated state of mind. After lunch I felt a little better and decided this was a good day to go back in time and see what September 17th looked like in 2015 on this date! Quite interesting!!!
I had apparently seen an article by an author who was talking to a group of future young doctors about the importance of guarding their expressions, gestures, and words while communicating with patients.
After the talk… one of the students placed a piece of paper in the speaker’s coat pocket-it read: I had a dream -that honeybees were making honey in my heart-out of my old failures. There is no right or wrong-Beyond the right and the wrong … There is a field. I’ll meet you there.
So until tomorrow… Isn’t that a lovely thought… one we all hope and pray exists… a place where we accept what has happened without judgment. Where we allow ourselves to learn from the experience without beating ourselves up about it?
This was definitely a God Wink idea to go back seven years and find this particular old post on this exact time and date! Party time at the Club Pavilion last night for my friend KC-Happy Birthday! Will rest up and then I can just walk over-I live one street down from the club!!!🙌💗
Today is my favorite day -Winnie the Pooh ( Let’s all seek and find our personal place of refuge… where ” honeybees make honey in our heart” …a place of self-forgiveness! )

I cleaned out my barrel yesterday… replacing the yellowing sweet potato plant with beautiful sun loving plants to add color to the porch!

Happy Birthday my friend! Go KC!!! The birthday glasses just complete your ” look!”

So good to see you last night…fun party. Sorry about missing Ben’s appt. Think your idea of spending the night with one of your kids is a great idea…kinda a win win…you get to see the grands too. Love the new flowers…