Category Archives: Uncategorized

Out of Disasters… Amazing Discoveries

Dear Reader: I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I started examining the debris left behind by Hurricane Ian … and discovered that rain, torrential at times like it was… perked up many of my late summer flowers, like Black-eyed Susie’s. … Continue reading

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It was a Dark and Stormy Morning, Afternoon, and Night…

Dear Reader: This will be a short post. It is just after 1:00 on Friday afternoon/and Hurricane 🌀 Ian is certainly letting himself be known. We are under emergency hurricane alert until 4:00 and Mother Nature is getting 🧐 serious … Continue reading

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Waiting for the Storm

Dear Reader: It is Thursday, a little after three, and I am waiting on the storm to come. (And quite honestly… I don’t feel like dancing.) Thus far… the wind hasn’t been too bad and the rains haven’t arrived yet… … Continue reading

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I Was Here…

Dear Reader: If you visit the WWII Memorial in Washington DC … and take time to walk around and study it… you will find hidden within different portions of the monument display- the American morale booster that came to symbolize … Continue reading

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Perfection is Not Necessarily Goodness… on Earth

Dear Reader: Aren’t there some lines we read that make us pause and excitedly realize that someone else thinks along the same line as us in a particular outlook? This happened to me yesterday while reading daily meditations by Richard … Continue reading

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An Old Friend Returns on My Birthday… Sammy!

Dear Reader: When I returned home late Saturday afternoon… I checked on my gardens immediately. As I walked the alley between the side garden and the back garden a bit of red caught my peripheral vision-I looked across a large … Continue reading

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” Grief is the Price of Love”

Dear Reader: Yesterday we lost Khaleesi-the call came at 2:30 a.m. Sunday morning that her oxygen levels were dropping -Tommy and Kaitlyn hurried over but she passed before they arrived. When we hear phrases like ” Grief is the Price … Continue reading

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No Two Trips Are Ever the Same…

Dear Reader: The past two days have been such a whirlwind… my head is still spending! Friday night out with my adult family just made me happy. It gets harder and harder it seems these days to gather and especially … Continue reading

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A ” Thank You” for Life!

Dear Reader: Mother Nature sent me the most marvelous gift for my birthday yesterday – Fall Weather! It is a rare gift… since in the Lowcountry we usually have to wait weeks after Fall officially falls… for summer to finally … Continue reading

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Mysterious Magical Autumn

Dear Reader: When I saw this artistic interpretation of autumn yesterday I was completely ” enthralled.” The message around it said something about autumn holding more gold in its pocket than any other season. A great metaphor …if you define … Continue reading

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