Dear Reader:
How many times have we heard a parent sigh and admit that her son and/ daughter just graduated from college… and now they are traveling around to ” find themselves.”
Of course there is nothing wrong with that unless we put the ” cart before the horse.”

In national bestselling author-Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations … he talks about how God meets us where we are. We don’t have to physically go anywhere to find Him… we just have to realize that if we want to feel fulfilled in our personal lives… it starts with spiritual power first. It started with our birth.
” For the Christian, spiritual power is always hidden inside of powerlessness-just as God was hidden and yet revealed in a defenseless baby. If God is ever to be loved and shared, God had to risk both human embodiment and human vulnerability. This is the only thing that enchants and evokes the human heart. We do not properly fall in love with concepts or theological ideas-persons fall in love with other persons. In a weak little child, God is perfectly hidden and perfectly revealed-and fully loveable!
So until tomorrow… take a second and think about it. Who can not be filled with awe upon laying our eyes on a newborn-familiar or even a stranger? Newborns restore our hope in the world and we feel the sense of the Divine at work within the vulnerability of new life. The search is over… trying to ” find yourself “? Turn inward … and release the divinity within you! Only then is your path revealed.
Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh