Dear Reader:
Hopefully, as many of you are reading today’s post… I am experiencing ( or have already experienced) the fresh feel of fall!) Yesterday the local weatherman was excited about experiencing fall-like weather himself-low ( early morning) sixties, low humidity and the exhilaration of actually feeling fall through the anticipation of all the senses! ( Less than two weeks away from official Fall)
Today is Grandparents Day and Mollie called to ask if I would be able to to attend Lachlan’s and Rutledge’s school’s breakfast gathering to sit with the students. I replied ” I would be honored.”

But that does mean hitting the interstate early and then praying there are no fender benders… and back up traffic. It, also, means, however, that I should be a prime candidate to witness the first day of the fall of summer hot humidity in exchange for soft dry cool breezes… certainly worth the early rising.
Isn’t life like the fall of old seasons in exchange for new ones? We go along our life journey immersed in our daily routines and then suddenly something changes… subtly at first but then more persistent with time.
Sometimes the changes are exhilarating… like summer collapsing into fall in the Lowcountry ( after a long hot humid summer) but other times… changes can initially be uncomfortable and stressful.
Life IS change. There is no getting around it. Nothing stays the same … as much as we might wish for it. ( Like me wishing I could freeze-frame my grandchildren.)
It was Eloise who had the best response to my question ( last summer when I kept her one day) when I asked her if I could ” freeze-frame” her… keep her at four years old forever… ?
She gave me the most incredulous look ( like she couldn’t believe I had even thought of something that dumb to ask?) She was playing with her dolls on the floor when she immediately replied ( with finger pointed) ” NO Boo Boo! I must grow up so I can be a REAL mommy some day!”

She was right of course… and I silently thought to myself … she must grow up to also become a grandmother… a lot more fun and less stressful than parenting… you get to be the permanent ” good cop” … a lot more fun than ” bad cop.”
So until tomorrow… I thank God everyday that I have been given the gift of time to watch my grandchildren grow. A gift beyond measure!!!!
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

❤❤❤…so true about the arrival of fall especially in the lowcountry…and the gift of grandchildren…who are such a joy and source of untainted knowledge…wise beyond their years…