Category Archives: Uncategorized

Homemade, Handmade, and Homespun… Interesting History….

Dear Reader: When I read the mantra that accompanied my recently arrived stove range cover… I had to smile. HAPPINESS IS HOMEMADE. I might be remembered for being the ” Best Picker-Upper this side of the Mississippi River” … when … Continue reading

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It’s Summer Time… the ” Laissez-faire” Season

Dear Reader: Don’t we all wish we could maintain such a “laissez-faire” ( take life as it comes) attitude? It is summertime … but we all know… the ” living isn’t always easy! Still… I am no naysayer to my … Continue reading

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Turning Around … When God Changes Our Direction…

Dear Reader: I started my post yesterday and was typing away when I hit a wrong button and it was gone… usually I can track it down under several different headings … in progress, incomplete post,etc… nope I had deleted … Continue reading

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Looking at Life From Both Sides of the Fence

Dear Reader: Yesterday I had a great lesson in perspectives… as patients going into medical centers for lab work and appointments… there is always that sense of ” What If or What Might They Find?”… best summed up as the … Continue reading

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Just Happy To Be Here…

Dear Reader: ” Just Happy to Be Here” loses something in translation when political candidates say it… repeatedly on a campaign trail…particularly when the facial expression and voice tone can’t quite pull it off…fatigued and depleted. But I find myself … Continue reading

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There is Healing… and Then there is HEALING…

Dear Reader: Have you ever prayed for something fervently over long periods of time for yourself or others… but try as hard as you could… silence seemed to be the only response? Especially… when it comes to healing… have we … Continue reading

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Foreboding Joy

Dear Reader: Foreboding Joy… now that is about as good an example of an ” oxymoron ” as any sample I have heard… ( two opposite meanings connected together) so I should have known it was a Brene Brown creation. … Continue reading

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Life Isn’t About Reaping the Harvest… It is About Planting the Seeds

Dear Reader: I was so excited yesterday morning when I went to sadly clean out the moonflower seed planter that the squirrels had destroyed … pulling up every seed and green shoot plus knocking over the planter ( added salt … Continue reading

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The ” MAGIC” of Fabric… a God Wink!

Dear Reader: While I was on my cooking spaghetti binge during the tropical storm type weather that prevailed throughout the Lowcountry over Memorial Day Weekend … dropping off plates… like Hansel and Gretel’s bread crumbs… to neighbors and friends…I called … Continue reading

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We Tell Ourselves Stories In Order To Live…

Dear Reader: Never was this quote more applicable than yesterday when I went for my six month check-up and ( ouch) Prolia injection with my primary doctor… Dr. Sara Montoya. Everyone was so nice…that came into the room… even the … Continue reading

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