Dear Reader:
Have you ever prayed for something fervently over long periods of time for yourself or others… but try as hard as you could… silence seemed to be the only response?
Especially… when it comes to healing… have we ever considered that there are different types of healing and no one size fits all … no matter the physical or mental personal challenge … that our perspective on what constitutes a ” healing” might not coincide with our Creator’s definition!
In the following beautiful Native-American story by Ray Buckley-The Wing-the issue of our will and our Creator’s will… comes full circle.
In the Foreword to this beautiful story… cultural history and God’s Creation emerge … producing a deeper understanding of God’s view of healing …
In Native-American cultures… one’s name is considered sacred. One’s name might reflect a spiritual identity, or an ancestor’s good character, or even be derived from a spiritual dream or vision. It might reflect a sacred vow or goal.
An individual’s name can be changed by the community as a way to recognize a significant life-changing event … however Spiritual change is marked by a complete change in identity…
Today we must remember that just because our circumstances might not be changing, it doesn’t mean that healing is not occurring! Often the healing is one of the Spirit… changing the heart instead of circumstances. Often the Creator, in an on-going act of creation, changes our name… we are not always ” repaired,” instead we are ” re-created.”
In this particular Native-American tale a little bird in the woods (where many creatures lived) entertained the other inhabitants with her brilliant colors, charm, and speed… so great was her speed… that the people named her ” She Who Flies Swiftly. ”
But one day when the sun arose no one saw ” She Who Flies Swiftly.” Then they saw the Creator enter the woods and lift the little bird from under the Great tree-she had a broken bone in one wing and couldn’t fly… but surely now that the Creator was holding her… she would be healed.
Everyone gathered to watch her fly again but it didn’t happen… the broken wing did not open… gossip started spreading that she must have done something to offend the Creator… slowly she was left all alone and forgotten. Even ” She who Flies Swiftly ” was desolate… ” Help me my Creator, Why can’t You fix me? Did I do something wrong?”

One lonely night ” She Who Flies Swiftly” realized her sobs and sighs had turned to singing … sad songs at first but with time suddenly notes of incredible beauty.
The haunting melody soon attracted all the inhabitants of the woods… the little bird was so lost in song she didn’t even see the gathering crowds.
One evening when it seemed like the music could not be more lovely… a new sound that no one had ever heard was added to the music of the bird. Quietly… then strong and assured and above all… loving.. came the Voice of the Creator. They were singing a duet… the people bore witness to the meeting of two hearts; one mighty… one small.
As the story ends…it is said that every evening… a song can be heard coming from beneath the Great Tree. It is a voice that once came from a broken wing… sung now by ” She Who Has Been Healed.”
So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

A very sweet and powerful storytelling touched me because today is the 2d anniversary of Suzy’s arrival in Glory. Two of her granddaughters graduated Friday night from high school…both summa Cummings laude…know she was beaming from Heaven…
This story was meant to be told today Gin-g… Suzy couldn’t be ” repaired” but she could be ” recreated” and like the little bird …is no doubt a beautiful new spirit (as pretty as a butterfly)singing in harmony with her Creator!
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