Dear Reader:
Never was this quote more applicable than yesterday when I went for my six month check-up and ( ouch) Prolia injection with my primary doctor… Dr. Sara Montoya.
Everyone was so nice…that came into the room… even the Prolia ” Injector.” ( though that is a l-o-n-g shot… I start counting the seconds… it is a thick serum that encompasses a burning sensation… so the seconds seem pretty long during this injection.)
***In case you haven’t seen the commercials …it is an injection to help people with low bone density …and since falls are our greatest nemesis as we grow older… I am thankful for it.
After the injection the cutest young ” intern” came through the door. She was a medical student at MUSC …completing one of her requirements for graduation … doing a month internship with a family physician. She was halfway through the experience and knew she had hit the “jackpot” with Dr. Montoya… she told me every patient told her the same thing but she knew it after the first meeting!
As we were chatting and I was telling her about my medical history with breast cancer … suddenly I found myself telling my story… starting with ” Hold My Hand.” You could have heard a pin drop… when I finished she sat and stared… I had started the intro with ” You are sitting and talking to a full-fledged miracle.”
Apparently before Dr. Montoya stepped in the intern had stopped her and pointed to the room and said she just heard the most amazing story. I ended my story with ” You are a great listener… you will be a wonderful doctor… just remember to listen to ” The Great Physician” … you will always be steered in the right direction … one consisting of compassion, love, and hope… life.”
It is our responsibility to reach back and share our life stories with those who will follow… so one day they will do the same thing to their next generation.
So until tomorrow…
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh