Category Archives: Uncategorized

A ” Godwink” on a Dark, Rainy Monday Afternoon

Dear Reader: Yesterday was a day of polar light and darkness, sunshine and thunder, cool breezes and humid wind gusts. It was like too many weather patterns were converging simultaneously. Jeff came early, thank goodness, before the rains descended to … Continue reading

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Juneteenth… A Story of Freedom

Dear Reader: As students in school, didn’t we pretty much accept everything the teacher told us about historical information … and took it as “gospel?”… after all they were the teacher. In those days, terms like being a ” critical … Continue reading

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The Circle of Love on Special Days…

Dear Reader: Happy Father’s Day! And in our family today… a special alignment of the stars celebrating Happy Father’s Day and Happy Birthday to Rutledge! Walsh and Rutledge Day! Ten years ago today ” ” Baby Rutledge” entered our lives … Continue reading

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Planting Seeds in Hearts that Will Beat in Memory and Story

Dear Reader: The term ” heartseed” refers to the seed of wisdom and compassion that resides in each of us… displaying itself in our individual ” gifts” ( talents) bestowed on us by our Creator and developed by the selected … Continue reading

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“Serenity Now! “

Dear Reader: I don’t know how many of you remember this episode from the Jerry Seinfeld Show but it was truly funny since everyone watching could relate. It all begins when George is driving his parents home and his dad, … Continue reading

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When ” Why” Becomes a Magical Noun…

Dear Reader: “Thankful, blessed, and kind of a mess” just seemed to sum me up today. I am so thankful to be back on the road to recovery, blessed to feel God’s presence through this and blessed to have such … Continue reading

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” I Can See Clearly Now…the Rain is Gone…”

Dear Reader: Don’t we all remember this upbeat tune by Jimmy Cliff that started out with…”I can see clearly now the rain is gone-I can see all the obstacles in my way. Gone are the dark clouds that had me … Continue reading

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Sometimes We Just Need A Little ” Boost!”

Dear Reader: Today’s Post is just going to need a little extra ” Push from God.” Halfway though the dance recital Sunday afternoon… I started shaking. It felt like the air conditioner had been turned up… and I was freezing! … Continue reading

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” Who We Are… is Who We Were”…

Dear Reader: In every historical event… there comes one moment when somebody steps up to the plate to do what is morally right over political consequences… in 1839 a slave ship, the Amistad, sails from Cuba to America and an … Continue reading

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Summer Time Starts at Home… Summerville

Dear Reader: What better place to kick off the summer season than in a town whose name has ” Summer” in it -the village of Summer-or simply Summerville. … So when I came across a list of the Top Ten … Continue reading

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