Dear Reader:
I started my post yesterday and was typing away when I hit a wrong button and it was gone… usually I can track it down under several different headings … in progress, incomplete post,etc… nope I had deleted with no backup… gone. Finis!
I counted to ten and decided to take a break … it had been a long morning finishing up with some medical errands and then some afternoon bank and grocery runs… so I rested and was scrolling on FB … reading friends news …when suddenly I was stopped in my ” tracks.”
My longtime friend, Cindy Ashley, had posted a poem that touched me greatly… after reading it… I knew exactly how the author felt because it had happened to me. A deja vu feeling.
The week I spent with Mandy and the children (while John was away on business) provided me with time to walk over to the surrounding ponds and canals and just watch waterfowl of every description float by. I found the experience so unbelievably soothing … I started returning day after day with my mobile phone… poised to take an instant photo …if the opportunity arose… and then it happened.
Two breathtaking geese entered the water together and seemed to take turns looking for food… one bopped up while the other went under hunting for food. It was as if one would play lookout for the other… and then it was reciprocated.
It almost seemed synchronized… but then slowly they started moving away and fell into their natural smooth beautiful pattern that I fortunately caught it on camera!
It is my favorite photo… I need to enlarge and make a copy-frame it… with the simple title PEACE and HARMONY.
Then yesterday …when I came across the following poem … I realized that my thoughts, concerns, and worries were so similar to the author’s… it was as if God made sure I found it and got His response … His message back to me.

When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feed
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief
I come into the presence of still water
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.
Wendell Berry
As humans… we are worriers… each stage of our lives provides different forms of worry until by the time we reach our status as a matriarch or patriarch… or simply ” the seniors” … we find we worry little about ourselves… saving it all for the generations who will follow.
There is no doubt in my mind that ” senior” worrying has taken place since the beginning of time… the changing agrarian lifestyle to industrial, the car over the horse, computers and white boards over teaching chalk and blackboards. The ceaseless political debaters defending party over people, testing democracy… leaving the oldest generation worrying about future freedoms-trying to imagine a future that relies on technology over human decision-making. For all past generations .. it has been scary and will continue to do so. A different world for our future loved ones.
So until tomorrow… that’s where Faith comes in… God Time never changes… no matter the Roman numerals… and we know He will continue to make His Presence known through wild geese,, wood drakes, great herons… God takes us into the peace of wild things. Live in the moment and learn through observation.

Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh