Category Archives: Uncategorized

Discovering Our Own ” Wanderlust “

Dear Reader: Wanderlust is actually a feeling that represents the urge to break from everyday life and experience something new and unknown. We usually associate this term with people who prefer travel and new unknown experiences over stability and consistency…. … Continue reading

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A Special Memory …

Dear Reader: Memorial Day certainly aligned to its namesake… remembering and memories… but with another different type memory… embedded in me … that brought personal joy for 44 years… The Continental Corner. Perhaps because it was a stay-at-home quiet Memorial … Continue reading

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What to Say to a Veteran on Memorial Day?

Dear Reader: Every year on Memorable Day I always wonder what is the correct way to thank a veteran? Even with my own brother… knowing how his life was changed forever … I usually just tell him how grateful we … Continue reading

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Progress Over Perfection

Dear Reader: Yesterday Tommy had sent out an inspiring true story from Golf Digest to Mandy to show Eva Cate who started golf lessons this past year and really enjoyed the girls around her age in the group-most had played … Continue reading

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An Important Life Lesson from the Sun…

Dear Reader: Let’s first think of the highly diversified job our sun has been given… ( in human terms… high stress with no rest… working two 12 hour shifts a day… everyday! No vacation time off. (For that matter) no … Continue reading

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The Importance of Benchmarks in Arriving at Accomplishments

Dear Reader: Yesterday I was the proud grandmother sitting upfront and watching my oldest grandson, Rutledge, graduate from elementary school. It was the grandparents ” holding down the fort” ( along with Aunt Mandy) since Mollie flew out with Eloise … Continue reading

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Being You… Requires LISTENING to You!

Dear Reader: The best part of writing a daily blog is wondering where the next idea will come from… a conversation, television show, story, or nature itself. I got an email from Linda Carson who had just read an excerpt … Continue reading

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The Importance of Endings… and Beginnings

Dear Reader: Yesterday I had my cousin, Bob, on my mind… during the past couple of weeks… I discovered he was very sick and Mother’s Day Weekend was extremely challenging, for his family, as tough decisions had to be made. … Continue reading

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Are You Nice? Or… Are You Kind?

Dear Reader: I know you must be thinking… ” Hum… yesterday’s post was about the difference between ” looking” or ” seeing” and now ” nice” or ” kind?” ” Is Becky on some kind of grammatical mission?” No. ( … Continue reading

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You Can’t Ever Go Wrong When the Answer is Love…

Dear Reader: On this Monday… I feel like just sticking to one simple thought… Love Always Wins! I love this particular quote from Tuesdays with Morrie… especially these days when it seems like we are living in an ” irrational” … Continue reading

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