Category Archives: Uncategorized

When We Are Continuously Drawn to Something… that is our Soul Speaking… Listen!!!

Dear Reader: How many times have we heard a celebrity-author, actor, doctor, athlete , coach, minister, ( name any profession) tell an interviewer how he or she knew from childhood, youth, or an unique experience… that his/her life was being … Continue reading

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Understanding When It is Time to Re-write Your Endings…

Dear Reader: When I came across the title to a story recently, that I recognized as once having read… but couldn’t quite remember the ending… I decided to take time to re-read it . One day a professor came into … Continue reading

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IT’s CAROLINA DAY! A Proud Day in South Carolina History

Dear Reader: Being the old South Carolina history teacher… I can’t let June 28 pass without without paying tribute to the Battle of Sullivan’s Island which today is known as Carolina Day. ( Once known as Palmetto Day) It has … Continue reading

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People, Place… LOVE

Dear Reader: As a writer, like the main character in this unusual perception of life, love, and endings that don’t end ( On Fire Island) … Julia Morse is spending her last summer on her beloved island… there is only … Continue reading

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Emergence of Self- Raising Words, Giving to the World’s Needs and Always Choosing Scary…

Dear Reader: When I read this observation by Rumi: ” Raise your words, not your voice, it is rain that grows flowers, not thunder”-I immediately understood the metaphor of his amazing thoughts. Strolling through the garden yesterday morning… I had … Continue reading

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Retrieving Childhood Memories…

Dear Reader: The other day… Michael Buble was on a talk show and was more animated talking about his family than any career topic. He admitted that he will catch a ” Red Eye” to get home …and have only … Continue reading

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Allowing Time for the Universe to Shift in Your Life…

Dear Reader: It is important to take a stand and work for things we want to see changed. But when we get overly caught up in our efforts to fix things, to intervene, to instantly make things better, we lose … Continue reading

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How ” Wordplay” Affects Mindset

Dear Reader: My lifetime love of words has definitely been a huge influence on my perception of the world and my place in it… and I know I am not alone in this endeavor. Author Vernon Howard once spoke about … Continue reading

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Summer Has Arrived!

Dear Reader: I don’t know about you but I am past ready for those ” Lazy Hazy Days of Summer.” To date this hasn’t happened… just the opposite… stressful last days of school with state testing, crazy weird virus, deer … Continue reading

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The Importance of Keeping One’s Wits About You…

Dear Reader: Grandmother Wilson always reminded me ( when I was nervous about a speech or presentation at school) to ” keep my wits about me. “ This old expression means to be ready to think quickly in a situation … Continue reading

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