Dear Reader:
How many times have we heard a celebrity-author, actor, doctor, athlete , coach, minister, ( name any profession) tell an interviewer how he or she knew from childhood, youth, or an unique experience… that his/her life was being drawn in a certain direction and they knew in their soul … it was their destiny?
I started remembering my first great love … stories. From the time I started school, my favorite part of the day was Story Time. I could hardly wait for our teacher to give us the signal to leave our desks to scramble onto the story rug that resembled ” A Small Small World.” I was determined to sit on every ” child” face around the world. ( I admit pushing another child off if the teacher wasn’t looking. )

As our teacher read the story or legend from a particular country… whoever was sitting on that ( ” child from that country”) got to go stand by the large room map, hold the ” Holy Grail” -the teacher’s beloved yard stick, and take all the oral clues from the story … given to locate the country. ( Integrated learning at its best before it even became a popular teaching concept.)
So today my three great soulful passions are stories, writing, and history… year after year I have been drawn to these three ” soulmates!”
The first thing I think about upon waking up each morning ( after thanking God for waking up) is ” I wonder what story will emerge today?” Sometimes an idea pops up early-other times… later in the evening… but after thirteen years… I know the story will come ( unless the computer gremlins intervene) !
I have probably learned more about faith from this daily post endeavor… than through any other avenue. So when somebody says something that ” lights a match” or a line from a story, movie, or program ignites an idea, these I just smile and whisper ” Thank You God… the Creator of all stories! ”
So until tomorrow… Take a moment each day to reflect on what brings you the most satisfaction and fulfillment… then fill it whole-heartedly and whole-soulfully!
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh

Mollie received an action photo of Lachlan finally getting his turn to go flying across the lake when a cabin mate jumps and lands on the huge ” blog” water float to send him spiraling upward … anticipation!