Dear Reader:
The other day… Michael Buble was on a talk show and was more animated talking about his family than any career topic. He admitted that he will catch a ” Red Eye” to get home …and have only a day and night to spend with his wife and four children before racing back to his latest singing gig.
If the children get wind that he has shown up during the night he awakens in bed with his wife and four kids… nothing makes him happier … nothing. He admitted that the family sleeping together some nights is probably frowned upon by some psychologist but instead he suggested that for his family … this closeness is making beautiful memories from their childhood into their later adulthood.

When you think about it… historically… separate sleeping quarters (that modern families take for granted) is a relatively new phenomenon… from caveman on …families slept together for protection, comfort – warmth throughout colonial periods – World War II. Frontier and immigrant children slept together … it was all they knew from their ” old” countries.
Maybe some of the modern day feelings of anxiety and isolation, too many Americans are feeling, come from the concept that more is better… more bedrooms, private space when smaller and togetherness should be the goal.

I think that is why parents send their children to camps today …where they get to live in small ” houses” cabins or tents… laugh together, sleep in secure close quarters and share a camaraderie unattainable in their everyday lives.
It is sure making the Dingle boys euphorically happy!

And sun and 90’s brought Eva Cate and her precious friend ( Emma) to their pool to enjoy the first sunny day in several days… it was a day of smiles for everyone!

My unexpected glimpse at the sheer beauty of the sun returning happened Friday evening… I got caught by the train going through town and gave out a big sigh… tired and ready to get home but then it happened …one beautiful ray lit up the train and the park grass turned to a golf course green… the clouds parted for the blue skies emerging… after a week of rain and cloudy skies summer was appearing again.

So until tomorrow… A beautiful God Wink and all is right with the world.
Today is my favorite day… Winnie the Pooh