Dear Reader:
It is important to take a stand and work for things we want to see changed. But when we get overly caught up in our efforts to fix things, to intervene, to instantly make things better, we lose sight of life’s larger picture and process. ( especially when we enter into the realm of others’ lives to do so.)
Dr, Bernie Siegel advises us to let go when he says” If you could live your life with a “we’ll see ” attitude, it is amazing what begins to happen.” If we just wait a bit, not jump into an argument, not draw conclusions too soon, not act immediately- most times the problems solve themselves.”
One father used this technique to handle his children’s constant nagging and complaining. If it was not an emergency, he had them write all their ” annoyances” on a Saturday List. Then on Saturday morning… he would sit down with them and go over each of their grievances individually.
Nine times out of ten, the things they were so upset about earlier in the week had either been forgotten, cleared up, or of no importance. They were ready to go play.
” One of the great secrets known to internists, but still hidden from the general public ” says author/educator Lewis Thomas, ” is that most things get better by themselves. Most things in fact, are better by morning.”
So until tomorrow…

As a grandmother I needed to hear this train of thought today… because ” fixing ” everything is what we did as
a mother and if anything… the urge to jump into our grandchildren’s lives is just as strong a pull, forgetting Someone Who Can Handle it All By Himself in His time… not ours!
Today is my favorite day-Winnie the Pooh

The sun is trying to get out today… we just had to wait until God made sure we had a surplus for the hot dry days coming!