Dear Reader:
When I came across the title to a story recently, that I recognized as once having read… but couldn’t quite remember the ending… I decided to take time to re-read it .

One day a professor came into the classroom telling his students to clear everything off their desks-he was giving them a surprise pop-quiz.
Moaning audibly… the students did as instructed. They were each given a large piece of white paper with one lone black dot ⚫️ in the middle of the paper.
Each student was to write about what he saw and what he/ she then thought. Furiously the students began writing. A few minutes later the professor called ” Time!” and collected the sheets.
Out loud he read each student’s take on the sheet with the black dot ⚫️. Everyone centered their thoughts and writings around the significance of the dot and it’s importance as the center focus of the paper. Slowly the professor shook his head
The professor said everyone made the mistake of focusing on the tiny black dot -instead of everything else… the majority of space taken up by the white sheet.
” Human nature, the professor said, unfortunately, looks at life that way too and we must learn to re-prioritize our perceptions.”
” The black dot ⚫️ comes to symbolize health issues, financial hardships, disappointing relationships and broken dreams by lack of determination. ”
” Yet look how small the ⚫️ black dot is in comparison to the massive white sheet surrounding it? When we focus too much on the dark side, we lose focus on all the bright compelling opportunities awaiting us-a life filled with love. Instead we ” pollute our minds” by solely focusing on the small problems that come and go.
So until tomorrow… Turn your eyes away from the black dots in your life. Instead enjoy each of your blessings-each moment of life bestowed on you.
*** I needed to hear that story again and no doubt a God Wink was blinked. I needed to straighten my path and add more flowers to it!
Today is my favorite day- Winnie the Pooh

Yesterday was definitely a ” favorite” day because of all your fun comments on Carolina Day-the anniversary of the Battle of Sullivans Island.
Carol Poole reminded me of the drinking song sung that night in the pubs by the victorious Patriots… it went like this…***look below quote…

( SONG) ” Oh… Mr. Peter Parker got his pants shot off in the battle here today. He made such a rumpus that we shot him in his “Bumpus ” … and now he’s gone away… YEAH!” 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

My outdoor table cloth arrived yesterday… must have gotten lost in Amazon Cyberspace but was a better surprise for it and my two deck hibiscus must have heard the rumor because they were blooming away to take their turn on the beautiful tablecloth!!!

Love, love, love the story in today’s blog. All so often, we all find ourselves focusing on the “black dots” in our lives instead of appreciating all the blessings. Thank you, Becky, for reminding me.
I needed the reminder too Pam! 💗
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