Dear Reader:
How many times have we looked back on situations that initially disappointed us-perhaps a job interview that went wrong or a missed opportunity that passed us by-only later to discover there was a better job waiting for us in the near future and/ or an once-in-a-lifetime opportunity just lying around the next bend.
These are the memories that make us call out ” WHEW! That was a narrow escape -almost took the wrong career path or went looking for love in all the wrong places. It was not meant to be.
My initial accusatory prayers asking God why He didn’t give me what I most wanted-always have turned to a humbled prayer for forgiveness and gratitude-promise not to second-guess God again.

The best life lessons that I have received along the theme of trusting God’s intuitions over our own, have come from my flower gardens.
Take the picture of the two huge beautiful blooms I discovered on my Confederate Rose. Last year it didn’t bloom-and the branches appeared to be dying. I was so distraught-it was over 20 feet tall!
One day last year I took a leap of faith and cut all the branches back to three feet of bare limbs. Nothing happened… until spring when large green leaves started sprouting but still no buds.
When I left for the beach-the branches had grown taller but no buds-yesterday something caught my eye-a pink and white bloom! A miracle! Upon closer inspection the buds were appearing like popcorn popping.

Once again the legend of the Confederate Rose was coming true-from initially just a white blossom tree-the story of a Confederate soldier bleeding to death on a fallen white bloom that changed color in a two day interval …including pink and then a dark Rose color as he took his last breath. Tomorrow I will take the picture of the Rose-colored bloom before it too falls off and dies at the foot of the Confederate Rose!
So until tomorrow…

Today is my favorite day. Winnie the Pooh

Walsh and Mollie were returning home yesterday and Marcia-with help from Eloise, began decorating the front lawn to surprise Mollie with her benchmark birthday.

And now TODAY is my pretty niece Bekah’s birthday-October is a popular family birthday month!

This past year has been a catalyst for change and I hope more good changes continue to come your way Bekah! Love you!

All in God’s timing. …loved the saying about things slipping out of our grasp…so very true. I ❤ it.
We must have a firm clasp- no doubt