Dear Reader:
Yesterday every step brought us closer together and steps are no longer taken for granted. Accidents and mishaps have taken their toll over the years but it just makes the Ya’s even more grateful for time together.
Like in the title picture, many obstacles had to be overcome and problems solved to make this gathering a reality but everyone just get chiseling away until the seemingly impossible became doable! And here we are-finally -after almost three years-back together again.
I asked Anne if she would decorate some pails for each Ya and the talented Anne did that and more-fall surprises in a pail!

I added this hostess plant gift for Brooke!

As we have spent time discussing physical challenges, and happy stories about our families and grandchildren -it reminds me of one of Confucius’ directives for living a productive life.
” Bring peace to the old, have trust in your friends, and cherish the young.”
While running around doing errands to get ready for our reunion-I came home to find a beautiful pink Breast Cancer pumpkin on my porch! Harriet Edwards! How I miss meeting up with her annually at the Race for the Cure! Decided to take my pumpkin to the retreat to remind me just how far I have come and how appreciative I am to God for life!
So until tomorrow… a tag on the pumpkin with a big word spelling HOPE has a verse of scripture-so true! ” ” For I know the plans I have for you-declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” ( Jeremiah: 29:11)

” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh

(Memories from the Past)
Have a great time…can’t believe it has been 3 yrs. Enjoy each moment.
Glad you can share your pink HOPE with your dear friends. May God bless each of you💕💕💕💕