Dear Reader:
So many moments of joy intermingled with tears of gratitude for simply being alive and being back together, have already culminated in these first two days of our Ya Reunion!
Libby decorated the front door in sunflowers and brought Jackson a Bundt cake with a big sunflower on top in memory of one of the funniest stories concerning our much beloved YaYa!

God Winks are flowing in abundance along with memories- especially Jackson’s.
We must go back in time to the year 2010. Libby, Brooke, and I were recently retired and living the good life while Jackson was trying to survive her last couple of years till retirement teaching history at one of the high schools in Columbia.
Jackson’s mother ( affectionately nicknamed by us -Mama Mia) desperately wanted Jackson to retire and be like the rest of us-so she could have the freedom to travel and do more of what made her happy!
And then it happened-just like Mama Mia had prayed for-the teaching day that broke the camel’s back. One of those days when everything went wrong. Jackson got to school early to run off her test for that day and the copier was broken. Sighing heavily she headed for her room
It was May and she noticed her room felt unusually warm-she was told the air conditioner was broken( in just her room) and they couldn’t get the parts in that day to fix it-sorry-Hope you have a fan. Oh and by the way the principal said to remind her she had lunch duty-translation -no lunch.
By last period Jackson was soaking wet, hungry and exhausted! This class consisted of 38 ninth graders who were all loudly complaining about the heat! Then the ” straw” broke.
Something went whizzing past Jackson’s head-two boys were having a sunflower seed fight spitting out the shells-inadvertently hitting the teacher, a.k.a. Jackson.
Jackson’s expression said it all! Dead silence prevailed. Jackson grabbed her phone and with 38 pairs of eyes staring at her intently she called the SC Retirement System-conveniently located in Columbia. That same afternoon she officially signed her name and to the delight of all of us and Mama Mia -it was Jackson’s last year of teaching.

Celebration Day upon hearing the impending news!
Libby and Jackson have been roommates and close friends for a lost time-and the story of the sunflower( seeds) that ended Jackson’s teaching career has become a part of the Ya history!

So until tomorrow…the story will go from sunflowers to sun rises and a remarkable guardian angel I met on the beach-a great God Wink!
” Today is my favorite day” Winnie the Pooh
Off to the beach today!

So happy y’all are back together! Sending lots of love and hugs to four of the best! 😘😘😘😘
Have a great time..